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Data collections

We manage a number of data collections covering many aspects of health and social care and collected from a wide variety of NHS trusts, local authorities, and independent-sector organisations.

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Accounts Payable Data Collection

Accounts payable data illustrates actual expenditure of NHS providers and complements the purchase order data collection, which illustrates only what an organisation has ordered. It is sourced from the General Ledger.

Adult Social Care User Survey (ASCS) 2022-23 guidance and materials for councils

The Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS)  2022-23 asks service users questions about quality of life and what impact care and support services have on their quality of life. This page contains the survey administration guidance document and the materials required for councils to undertake the survey.

Alcohol dependence data collection

The data collection is required to support the delivery of the Alcohol Dependence Programme within the NHS England prevention programme.

Ambulance Clinical Outcomes (AmbCO)

Ambulance Clinical Outcomes (AmbCO) collects information on four clinical outcome indicators as part of the wider Ambulance Quality Indicators (AQI) for ambulance services in England. NHS England publishes this collection every month.

Ambulance Systems Indicators (AmbSYS)

Ambulance Systems Indicators (AmbSYS) include: ambulance response times, call answer times, ambulances assigned to incidents, counts of incidents resulting in transport to an Emergency Department, or elsewhere and incidents resolved on the scene or on the telephone.

Assuring Transformation (AT)

The Assuring Transformation collection holds information about people with a learning disability and autistic people who are receiving treatment or care as inpatients in a mental health hospital.


Board Vacancies and Commercial Spend Collection

The Research, Evaluation and Insights team in the Workforce, Training and Education Directorate, NHS England will manage a quarterly collection and reporting service on board level vacancies across NHS Providers and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), on behalf of the National Talent Board and Regional Talent Boards.


Cancer 62 Day Patient Tracking List (CANPTL) data collection

Cancer 62 Day Patient Tracking List (CANPTL) data collection.

Cancer Waiting Times Data Collection (CWT)

The national cancer waiting times system collects data about how cancer patients move through stages of their treatment, which is then used to monitor performance against targets, and to help plan services locally.

Care hours per patient day (CHPPD)

Care hours per patient day (CHPPD) data collection.

Cloud-Based Telephony Data Collection

NHS England is collecting data from all cloud-based telephony suppliers of GP practices to support a better understanding of operational pressures in general practice, to support commissioning of local services, to inform service improvement and to facilitate better winter planning and periods of surge activity.

Collection Portal (SDCS)

The Collection Portal is a ‘view only’ functionality of SDCS that allows data collection owners to monitor their own data collections.

Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care (CHC)

‘NHS Continuing Healthcare’ (NHS CHC) is a package of ongoing care that is 100% funded solely by the NHS where the individual has been found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care.

Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER)

The Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER) surveillance scheme evaluates the Child Immunisation Programme in England coverage for vaccines delivered before the age of 5. It replaces the Child Immunisation (GP) quarterly collection.


Diagnostics Waiting Times and Activity (DM01)

The monthly diagnostics waiting times and activity return collects data on waiting times and activity for 15 key diagnostic tests and procedures. It contains aggregate level data submitted by providers, broken down by commissioner.


Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) Data in Secondary Care under the COVID-19 Direction

In December 2020 NHS England established a daily collection of medicines prescribed and administered to patients, sourced from ePMA systems in hospital NHS trusts in England. The collection stopped in August 2023 but the information collected remains accessible for research and analysis.


Friends and Family Test (FFT) data collection

The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services, should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience.


General Practice Annual Electronic Self-Declaration (eDEC)

All GP practices must complete the eDEC every year to confirm details of their premises, services and other requirements.

General practice data available through the Strategic Data Collection System (SDCS)

The General Practice Annual Electronic Declaration (eDEC), General Practice complaints collection (KO41b) and GPIT Digital Maturity Index Assurance Indicators data collections will be available through the SDCS collection system.

General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)

Data powers the NHS - the collection of GP data could support vital health and care planning and research.

General Practice Extraction Service (GPES)

We collect information from GPs across the UK for use in planning, research and generating payments.

General Practice Pay Transparency

This collection asks for NHS earnings to be disclosed if they exceed the threshold for the relevant year, starting with 2021/22 NHS earnings over £156,000.

GPIT Digital Maturity Assurance

The ICB Questionnaire is part of the Primary Care Digital Maturity Assurance Tool which allows the NHS to assess the effectiveness of the GP IT Operating Model and provide insight to support investments in digital services in General Practice.


KHO3 Quarterly Bed Availability and Occupancy

The KH03 is a quarterly collection from all NHS organisations that operate beds, open overnight or day only. It collects the total number of available bed days and the total number of occupied bed days by consultant main specialty.

KO41a Hospital and Community Health Services Complaints collection

The hospital and community health services complaints data collection KO41a.

KO41b Primary Care (GP and Dental) Complaints Collection

Primary Care (GP and Dental) Complaints Collection (KO41b).



Lifestyle publications cover a range of topics including smoking, alcohol, drug use, obesity and contraception. Some of these publications are sourced from surveys commissioned by us, while suites of compendia publications present a range of data on the topic from a variety of sources.

Long Length of Stay Discharge Patient Tracking List (LLOS DPTL)

Find out about the Long Length of Stay Discharge Patient Tracking List (LLOS DPTL) data collection.


Management and Leadership Training and Development Provision pilot data collection

The Management and Leadership Training and Development Provision pilot is a new data collection to understand organisational spend on, and the provision of, leadership and management development. This collection will help to understand organisation activity and help to design new programmes. 

Medicines dispensed in Primary Care NHS Business Services Authority data product

Medicines dispensed in Primary Care is a curated data product created from patient-level data about medicines dispensed and claimed for in community settings (predominantly community pharmacy) from the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).

Mixed-Sex Accommodation (MSA)

The mixed sex accommodation data collection allows users to understand the extent to which mixed sex accommodation is happening within individual NHS organisations.

Monthly Trust Situation Reports (MSitAE) data collection

The weekly and monthly Accident and Emergency (A&E) attendances and emergency admissions collection collects the total number of attendances in the specified period for all A&E types, including minor injury units and walk-in centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours of arrival.


National Quarterly Pulse Survey (NQPS)

The primary purpose of the National Quarterly Pulse Survey (NQPS) is to provide an additional and more frequent opportunity to hear from staff to help understand employee experience, and to support decision making and actions for improvement with the ambition of making the NHS the best place to work

NHS111PS – NHS 111 Patient Experience Surveys

Providers of NHS 111 / IUC Services should, for each of the contract areas where they provide these services, survey their callers to gather feedback, and supply that data to NHS England every six months.

NHS Volunteer Workforce Data Collection

This data will be used to share good practice and monitor and assess delivery of a number of commitments made regarding volunteering, equalities and resilience including the number of volunteers, volunteering hours and diversity data. 

Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS)

This first national minimum dataset will be collected to allow for a national and Integrated Care System (ICS) view of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services within the NHS


Online and video consultation undertaken in general practice data collection

The data collection will provide vital information both to general practices and local commissioners on implementation support, resource and will provide an indication of the amount of activity taking place via these channels to demonstrate demand in general practice.


Patient Level Information and Costing System (PLICS) Data Collections

NHS England's Costing Transformation Programme (CTP) was established to implement Patient Level Information and Costing Systems (PLICS) across acute, mental health, ambulance and community providers.

Patient Online Management Information (POMI)

Personal Health Budget (PHB)

A Personal Health Budget (PHB) is one way of personalising people's care to ensure they get the care they need. A personal health budget is an amount of money to support a person's identified health and wellbeing needs, planned and agreed between the person and their local NHS team, or with a partner organisation on behalf of the NHS (e.g. local authority).


This data collection aims to demonstrate how NHS Providers are delivering the key elements of the Duty. These include identified Prevent Leads, delivery of awareness training, the level of referrals made and the engagement with relevant partnership forums that coordinate the Prevent Strategy at local and regional levels.

Primary Care Activity Report (PCAR)

The PCAR supports greater assurance and oversight of NHS England’s primary care commissioning responsibilities.

Purchase Order (PO) collection

The Purchase Order (PO) collection is data from trust purchasing systems. It describes purchase orders for goods and services, including item name and description, volumes, cost, and supplier information.


Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and primary care business rules

NHS England is responsible for producing and maintaining the extraction specification (business rules) for Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), Enhanced Services (ES), Vaccinations and Immunisations V&I, certain elements of Core Contact (CC) and other services commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care.

Quarterly Monitoring of Cancelled Operations Return (QMCO)

Quarterly Monitoring of Cancelled Operations Return (QMCO) data collection.

Quarterly Wheelchair Data Collection (QWC1)

The national wheelchair data collection is part of the programme of work focused on improving wheelchair services and was first introduced in July 2015. Its used to understand NHS wheelchair services in England and support commissioners and providers to improve services.


Referral to Treatment Waiting Times (RTT)

Consultant led Referral to Treatment (RTT) waiting times data collection.


Safeguarding Case Review Tracker (S-CRT)

The Safeguarding Case Review Tracker will enable the collection and analysis of information about Serious Incidents that have resulted from safeguarding failures.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Data Set (SRHAD) collection

The Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Data set (SRHAD) is made up of anonymised patient-level data submitted once a year.

Smoking Status at Time of Delivery (SATOD) data collection

The Smoking Status at Time of Delivery (SATOD) collection covers information on the number of women smoking and not smoking at time of delivery (child birth). Sub Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are required to submit data on smoking status at time of delivery every three months.

Social care collection materials 2024

Social care collection materials for the 2023-24 reporting year.

Social care collection materials 2025

Find information and available downloads for adult social care collection materials for the 2024-25 reporting year, including the beta ASC Data Dictionary, Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).

Social care surveys guidance and materials for 2024-2025

Each year we carry out user surveys to get feedback from service users. Survey information is gathered by councils with social services responsibility, and these pages contain guidance for them.

Spend Comparison Service

The Spend Comparison Service provides free-to-use spend analytics on procurement data from all of NHS England’s providers including acute, ambulance, mental health and community trusts.

Stop Smoking Services Collection

The Stop Smoking Services Quarterly Return is a Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) central return used to monitor the delivery of Stop Smoking Services (prior to 1 April 2013 this was a Department of Health (DH) return).

Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS)

The Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) is a secure data collection system used by health and social care organisations to submit data.

Survey of Adult Carers in England, 2023-24 guidance for local authorities

This survey has been developed to learn more about whether services received by carers are helping them in their caring role and their life outside of caring, and their perception of the services provided to the person they care for.


Tobacco Dependence

This patient-level data collection will help to prioritise patient cohorts, track outcomes and understand the impact on health inequalities.


Urgent Mental Health Helplines (NHS111-MH)

Urgent 111 Mental Health Helplines (NHS111-MH


Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Risk Assessment Collection

The Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Risk Assessment Collection collects the number and proportion of admitted patients aged 16 and over in England who have been risk assessed for VTE. It was first made mandatory in June 2010 and data has been published quarterly from 2010.  


Workforce data hub

Around 1.4 million people make up the NHS workforce in England, all contributing towards its overall effectiveness. Staffing is the single largest cost within the health system, so efforts to improve quality and reduce costs are often dependent on workforce data.