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Lifestyle publications cover a range of topics including smoking, alcohol, drug use, obesity and contraception. Some of these publications are sourced from surveys commissioned by us, while suites of compendia publications present a range of data on the topic from a variety of sources.


Statistics on women's smoking status at time of delivery

Quarterly report presenting the latest results and trends from the women's smoking status at time of delivery (SATOD) data collection in England. Providing a measure of the prevalence of smoking among pregnant women at Commissioning Region, Integrated Care Board and Sub-Integrated Care Board levels.

View all editions of the statistics on women's smoking status at time of delivery publications

Supplementary SATOD resources 

SATOD data submission and guidance

Reports in the series prior to 2011-12 quarter 3 are available through the website.

Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services (SSS)

Quarterly report presenting provisional results from the monitoring of the NHS Stop Smoking Services (NHS SSS) in England. Including information on the number of people setting a quit date and the number who successfully quit at the 4 week follow-up.  

Also an in-depth analyses of the key measures of the service including pregnant women, breakdowns by ethnic group, socio-economic classification as well as by intervention type and setting and type of pharmacotherapy received and lower level analyses at Local Authority (LA) and region levels.

View all editions of the statistics on NHS stop smoking services publications

Supplementary Stop Smoking Services resources 

Background to the collection and guidance

Strategic Data Collection Service for data submission

Statistics on smoking

Annual report presenting a broad picture of health issues relating to smoking in England, covering topics such as smoking prevalence, habits, behaviours and attitudes among adults and school children, smoking-related ill health and mortality and smoking-related costs.


The publication has been merged with others relating to Alcohol, Drug use and Obesity:

View all editions of the statistics on smoking within the Statistics on Public Health publications


Statistics on alcohol

Statistical report acting as a reference point for health issues relating to alcohol use and misuse. Topics covered are drinking habits and behaviours among adults (aged 16 and over) and school children (aged 11 to 15), drinking-related ill health and mortality, affordability of alcohol, alcohol related admissions to hospital and alcohol-related costs.


The publication has been merged with others relating to Smoking, Drug use and Obesity:

View all editions of the statistics on alcohol within the Statistics on Public Health publications

Drug use

Statistics on drug use

Annual statistical report presenting information on drug misuse among adults and children. Including topics on Prevalence of drug misuse, including the types of drugs used; Trends in drug misuse over recent years; Patterns of drug misuse among different groups of the population; Health outcomes related to drug misuse including hospital admissions, drug treatment and number of deaths.


The publication has been merged with others relating to Alcohol, Smoking and Obesity:

View all editions of the statistics on drug use within the Statistics on Public Health publications


Statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet

Annual statistical report presenting a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. Topics covered include, overweight and obesity prevalence among adults and children; physical activity levels among adults and children; trends in purchases and consumption of food and drink and energy intake and health outcomes of being overweight or obese.


The publication has been merged with others relating to Alcohol, Smoking and Drug use:

View all editions of the statistics on obesity within the Statistics on Public Health publications

National Child Measurement Programme

Annual report summarising key findings from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for England. This provides high-level analysis of the prevalence of 'underweight', 'healthy weight', 'overweight', 'obese', ‘severely obese’ and 'overweight and obese combined' children in Reception (typically aged 4 to 5 years) and Year 6 (typically aged 10 to 11 years), measured in state schools in England.

View all editions of the National Child Measurement Programme publications

Supplementary NCMP resources

NCMP Background

NCMP IT System and guidance

NCMP Public Health England (PHE) Operational Guidance

NCMP and child obesity profile (fingertips tool)



Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Sexual and Reproductive Health services include family planning services, community contraception clinics, integrated GUM and SRH services and young people's services, for example, Brook advisory centres.

They provide a range of services including, but not exclusively, contraception provision and advice, sexual health treatment and advice, pregnancy related care, abortion related care, cervical screening, psychosexual therapy, PMS treatment, colposcopy services, fertility treatment and care and gynaecological treatment and care.


View the Sexual and Reproductive Health Services publications

Sexual and Reproductive Health Activity Data Set (SRHAD) background information and submission details.


Health Survey for England

This is an annual survey commissioned by NHS Digital which has been carried out by the Joint Health Surveys Unit of NatCen Social Research and the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London since 1994.

The Health Survey for England series is designed to:

  • monitor health trends in England
  • estimate the proportion of people who have specified health conditions
  • estimate the prevalence of certain risk factors and combinations of risk factors associated with these conditions

View the Health Survey for England publications

Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people

This is the most recent survey in a series that began in 1982. Each survey since 1998 has included a core set of questions on smoking, drinking and drug use. In 2000, the survey questions changed to focus on smoking and drinking or on drug use in alternate years and in 2016, the survey reverted back to including both drinking/smoking and drugs focused questions in one survey.

The survey report presents information on the percentage of pupils who have ever smoked, tried alcohol or taken drugs. The report also explores the attitudes of school children towards smoking and drinking. Relationships between smoking, drinking and drug use are explored along with the links between smoking, drinking and drug use and other factors such as age, gender, ethnicity and previous truancy or exclusion.

View all editions of the smoking, drinking and drug use among young people publications

National Study of Health and Wellbeing (or Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey): Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing in England

This study, also known as the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS), runs every 7 years and provides data on the prevalence of both treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in the English adult population (aged 16 and over). Since 1993, it has been finding out how the everyday stresses, strains and joys affect the health of people living in England.

View all editions of the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey: Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, England, 2014.

What about YOUth?

What about YOUth? 2014 (WAY 2014) was a newly-established survey designed to collect local authority (LA) level data on a range of health behaviours amongst 15 year-olds.

Data was collected on topics including, smoking, general health, diet, use of free time, physical activity, drinking, emotional wellbeing, drugs and bullying.


Health and Wellbeing of 15-year-olds in England - Main findings from the What About YOUth? Survey 2014

Infant Feeding Survey

The Infant Feeding Survey (IFS) was conducted every 5 years between 1975 and when the last edition was released in 2010. It investigated variations in feeding practices among different socio-demographic groups and establishes the age at which solid foods are introduced. It also examines practices associated with introducing solid foods for infants up to 9 months old.


View all editions of the Infant Feeding Survey publications

Last edited: 23 July 2024 1:24 pm