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Purchase Order (PO) collection

The Purchase Order (PO) collection is data from trust purchasing systems. It describes purchase orders for goods and services, including item name and description, volumes, cost, and supplier information.

Purchase order data sometimes does not reflect the actual price paid for the goods or services where adjustments and suppression need to be made to account for rebates, bulk purchases, bundled deals and research considerations. Where Purchase Order Validation is required with feedback of these adjustments, please contact [email protected]



Background to the collection

The Purchase Order and Purchase Order Validation Collections are part of the Spend Comparison Service.

The data collections are partly automated in partnership with NHS NEP and NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) and complemented with manual submissions through the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS).

Please note that the NHS Spend Comparison Service data collections rely on submissions of full datasets across spend categories for the respective time periods, not merely a subset of data for specific categories.

If you are a customer of NHS NEP, please do not make manual submissions. NHS England automatically gets the PO data from NHS NEP for their customers and integrate this on your behalf.

If you are a customer of NHS SBSplease do not make manual submissions. NHS England automatically gets the PO data from NHS SBS for their customers and integrate this on your behalf.

If you are not a customer of the above and using their systems, please manually submit your purchase order data.

Collection schedule

The window for data submission opens weekly every Monday at 8am, and closes Wednesday at 6pm. Trusts must submit the previous week’s data during the submission window. If, for any reason, a submission is missed, the submission window will not be reopened. However, trusts can add the missing data to their next weekly submission.

The Purchase Order Validation collection will be open and will allow trusts to supply adjustments to previously submitted purchase order data at any time. To submit any data outside the submission window dates, an SDCS extension for that reporting period will be required but can be requested at any time by emailing [email protected].


Last edited: 12 March 2024 1:25 pm