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Series / Collection

Patient Online Management Information (POMI)

Other reports and statistics
Geographic Coverage:
Geographical Granularity:
Regions, GP practices


Patient Online is an NHS England programme designed to support GP Practices to offer and promote online services to patients, including access to coded information in records, appointment booking and ordering of repeat prescriptions. Data are provided by GP system suppliers to NHS England on a monthly basis and published on the last Thursday of each month pending no issues, otherwise as soon as possible thereafter.

Latest statistics

About this publication

Data for the latest reporting month can be viewed in the interactive dashboard. Starting in February 2020, the dashboard now displays the ‘patients registered for at least one online service’ measure, as well as some timeseries views. Underlying data is available in the following csv files.

Data for each reporting year is provided in csv files below. The metadata file includes details of known data quality issues, and a guide to using the csv files.

The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to unprecedented changes in the work and behaviour of General Practices and subsequently the Patient Online Management Information data within this publication. The variation in approach to appointment and management of services between practices is likely to be greater than usual during the COVID-19 outbreak and as a result data quality will be impacted. These quality issues impose limitations on what can be inferred from this data.

Months where data is likely to be impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak are highlighted in the metadata document below.

Responsible parties

Lead Analyst:
Rob Danks

Past publications