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Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS)

This first national minimum dataset will be collected to allow for a national and Integrated Care System (ICS) view of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services within the NHS.



Background to the collection

In August 2021, NHS England published the outcome of a review into Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS). The review set out a new national framework for NEPTS, with the aim of ensuring that services are consistently responsive, fair, and sustainable.

The review highlighted a lack of transparent and consistent data on activity, performance, and costs to the extent that information on NEPTS activity and performance is not available nationally, regionally, and in many cases locally.

This first national minimum dataset will be collected to allow for a national and Integrated Care System (ICS) view of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services within the NHS, and to understand the provider landscape and to provide assurance on performance and spend across England.

Launch and submission dates

Reporting period name Data period Opening date End date
NEPTS - March24 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024 8am - 9 September 2024 11.59pm - 7 October 2024 


Data Provision Notice

Last edited: 4 September 2024 2:57 pm