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N111WSI2 - NHS 111 weekly situation report: RETIRED

The NHS 111 weekly situation report was previously a subset of the monthly v0.901 MDS specification document.

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The last monthly collection was June 2017 and then the new weekly specification was drawn up. Further information and publications are available from NHS England.


The NHS 111 weekly situation report was a national mandatory collection and monitored demand and the capability of providers.

Standard NHS contract obliges providers to supply weekly data for at least a year.

NHS England has prepared a new weekly specification which opens every Monday at 00:00:01 to gather data for the previous week and closes on the same day at 10:00am.

N111WSI2 measured the demand and supply of the NHS 111 service, including how many calls were made to the service, how many were answered within 60 seconds, or abandoned; whether call handlers completed the call or passed the call to clinical advisors, and when; and whether the call ended with a request for an ambulance or advice to contact A&E, primary care or another service.

Data are collected every week, for each day of the previous week, for each NHS 111 contract area, of which there were 38 in March 2018, covered by 17 different organisations. Totals for each data item and each area are published within two weeks of the end of each month.

Last edited: 8 June 2022 9:06 am