The NHS Outcomes Framework (NHS OF) indicators provide national level accountability for the outcomes the NHS delivers.
Update February 2025:
The response to the Health and social care statistical outputs consultation have now been published (link available below). The latest NHS OF publication updates the five ‘Hospital episode statistics’-based indicators that have been approved to be published as part of the annual NHS OF publication. The 'NHS OF Data Source Links' document has been updated as part of the latest publication refresh. It provides a list of links for all the NHS OF indicators to the underlying source data, as well as links to alternative data sources where available.
Update April 2024:
Proposals for changes to the NHS Outcomes Framework were proposed as part of a wide-ranging consultation on statistical outputs that ran from December 2023 to March 2024.
While the results of this consultation are considered, this publication updates five of the NHS OF indicators that are expected to continue in future, regardless of the results of the consultation.
Update December 2023:
The proposals from the review of the NHS Outcomes Framework (NOF) announced in March 2023 are now being presented as part of a wider consultation on statistical outputs which was released on 12 December 2023.
As part of the consultation, it was proposed that only a limited number of NOF indicators would still be published by NHS England on an annual basis. For most of the existing NOF indicators, users will be directed to source data via web links. The 'NHS OF Data Source Links' file in the “Latest statistics” section below has been expanded to detail alternative data sources in addition to those previously signposted to in the NHS Outcomes Framework.
The file “NHS Outcomes Framework - Proposed future of indicators” in the “Resources” section below lists the indicators that NHS England is proposing to continue and those where users will be directed to source data. As part of the wider statistical consultation, users are asked to comment on the proposed groupings.
While the consultation takes place, we are intending to release data for indicators that are proposed to continue in the near future, as availability of source data allows.
Following the results from the consultation, we will review the future presentation of the NHS Outcomes Framework indicators.
Update August 2021:
Between February 2021 and March 2021, NHS Digital (now NHS England) consulted on a proposal to change the frequency of the NHS Outcomes Framework publication from quarterly to annual, and for the August 2021 release to be the final quarterly publication.
A summary of responses, as well as future recommendations, is available in the 'NHS OF Responses to 2021 Consultation and NHS Digital Recommendations' document available from the resources section below.
NHS OF will be published on an annual basis from March 2022 onwards. The August 2021 release was the final quarterly publication.