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How to use e-RS for referrers

This guidance is for referrers to use e-RS more effectively.

Hints and tips

This information list of hints and tips for referrers will help referrers manage referrals to ensure patients access the right care in a timely way. 


We have produced guidance for referrers to maximise the benefits of the NHS e-Referral Service.  

Get the best out of e-RS

As a referrer, understand how to get the best out of e-RS and how other services use the system. These pages cover generic guidelines on roles and responsibilities, monitoring worklists, supporting patients with making decisions, adhering to clinical standards and timescales for attaching clinical information. 

GP mergers

These can be difficult to navigate, to ensure that you have all the information you require the e-RS team have produced guidance document outlining all the steps to ensure that information isn’t missed during the transition. 

Archive Viewer

When a unique booking reference has had no activity on it for 18 months, it will automatically be moved into a file called the Archive Viewer. Archived referrals can be found by searching for the patient by using their NHS number, or demographics, when the results are shown for the patient, under the ‘patient activity list’ subheading, there is a check box stating ‘show all non-archived referrals’. Archived referrals can be found by searching for the patient by using their NHS number, when the results are shown for the patient, under the ‘patient activity list’ subheading, there is a box called ‘view archive’. To see archived referrals, you need to click this button, it will open a new page and show you all archived UBRN’s. 

Advice and Guidance toolkit

This toolkit has been created to optimise the use of e-RS and streamline patient care.  The advice and guidance e-RS channel gives the provider the facility to have a two-way conversation with you as the referrer.  This supports patient care and helps to reduce any unnecessary hospital referrals. 

Managing worklists

Find out how to manage a referral worklist and help users understand the functionality of the processes, such as, attachment size, missing referral letters and actioning referrals.  

Business roles

These need to be added to smartcards for anyone that wants to use e-RS. Find out more information about the different role functions

Plan and communicate 

Keep up to date with e-RS progress, news, events, and training. 

  • e-RS users may wish to subscribe to the e-RS bulletin to be kept up to date with useful information about both the current system, future developments, events, news, alerts and releases.

  • learn more around how e-RS integrates with NHS booking and clinical systems using the booking and Referral Standards 

  • your local GP IT facilitator will be able to provide support with enquiries relating to e-RS at a local level

  • the e-RS education and development team run a number of training sessions throughout the year, anyone can join, and you can attend multiple sessions if required

Analysis and audit 

e-RS provides some data for referrers. For more in-depth data, you can contact your local Integrated Care Board (ICB). As a referrer, you can see what reports and statistics are available for you to manage within your area. For more detailed information about how e-RS is and has been used within your practice, please contact your ICB which has access to more detailed datasets.

Contact us and further support

Last edited: 9 August 2024 9:18 am