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Part of Smartcard management in the PTL environments v2.0

Issuing a smartcard

In order to issue a smartcard, an additional smartcard reader is required (one to authenticate the RA smartcard and the other to issue certificates to the blank smartcard) in addition to blank cards.

Part of the publication 'Smartcard management in the Path to Live environment'.

Current Chapter

Current chapter – Issuing a smartcard


In order to issue a smartcard, an additional smartcard reader is required (one to authenticate the RA smartcard and the other to issue certificates to the blank smartcard) in addition to blank cards.

Part of the publication 'Smartcard management in the Path to Live environment'.

Access the required user, this can be done by searching for the UUID or name from the dashboard.

CIS dashboard - search for username

A list of possible matches will be displayed, click on the UUID of the required user. 

CIS - list of possible matches with UUIDs

When the profile is displayed, review the access and then scroll down to the ‘Smartcard Details’ section and click ‘Issue Smartcard’. Note - if previous cards have been issued for this user, the details will be listed in this section

CIS - smartcard details

In the ‘Identity Photo’ section, check that there is a blank photo added and that this has been ‘cropped’ to the correct size. (If there is no photo see section 2 steps 4-8 for instructions to add one).

Photo not added

CIS user photo not added

Photo added

CIS user photo added

Check that the ‘I verify the photograph….’ Tick box has been ticked.

In the ‘Issuance’ section, ensure that the ‘Local’ method has been selected and enter the required passcode in the relevant boxes. 

CIS issuance tabWhen the matching passcodes have been entered, the ‘Issue Smartcard’ button will become available. Click ‘Issue Smartcard’. 

CIS issuance tab - click issue smartcard

Note - if nothing happens when the ‘issue Smartcard button is clicked, this is likely because the photo used does not meet the criteria. The below blank image can be uploaded and cropped if required.


If a Java security warning is displayed, select the option to allow/not block the application components.

CIS - Java security warning

In the Path to Live environments it is not advised to ‘print’ smartcards, as smartcards are regularly re-used. Therefore, tick the ‘continue without smartcard print’ box and then click ‘continue’. 

CIS issue smartcard - continue without smartcard print

Insert the blank smartcard into the additional reader. If the ‘Smartcard not found. Please insert’ error is displayed, remove the blank smartcard, re-enter and then click ‘Retry’ 

CIS issue smartcard - smartcard not found error

When the blank smartcard is detected, the certificate issuance will start automatically and the progress will be shown. If there is an error with issuance of the smartcard, it is important to note at which stage the error occurred to assist the support teams in their investigations. 

CIS - certificate issuance will start when blank smartcard detected

When the issuance is complete, click ‘Close’. The new smartcard is now available for use.
CIS - smartcard issuance complete

Last edited: 31 January 2022 4:07 pm