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Part of Smartcard management in the PTL environments v2.0

Creating a new user

How to create a new user in the Care Identity Service in the Path to Live environment. 

Part of the publication 'Smartcard management in the Path to Live environment'.


How to create a new user in the Care Identity Service in the Path to Live environment. 

Part of the publication 'Smartcard management in the Path to Live environment'.

When the Care Identity Service dashboard page loads, click ‘Create new user’.

CIS - create new user

Complete all of the Personal Details, ensuring that all mandatory fields are completed.

CIS - personal details

Complete the Identifiers details. For the Path to Live environments, generic details can be used. Validation is only present for British passports and driving licences. If a test user is being created and the details are not relevant, use the ‘NI Number’ option (in format AA123456A). Only one of the three fields needs to be completed.

CIS - identifiers

Add a photo. In the Path to Live environments a blank photograph is often used. Click on the ‘upload or capture photograph’.

CIS - New user photo upload

If a pop-up is presented requesting to install Photo Capture, which is not normally used in Path to Live, this can be rejected.

CIS photo upload - ignore pop-up

To select a saved photo, click ‘Browse Image’.

CIS photo upload - browse image

Navigate to the Blank Photo and click ‘open’. When the blank image is displayed, click ‘Crop Image’. (If the image is not cropped, issues will be encountered when trying to issue the smartcard for this user).

CIS photo upload - crop image

Click ‘Confirm upload’. If a Java Security pop-up is displayed, select to allow/not block the component from being run. When returning to the original page, check that the photo has been changed and tick the ‘I verify….’ Box.

CIS identify photo - confirm upload

Complete the ‘Identity Verification’ section. For ‘Photo identification’ select ‘Passport’ and click ‘Add’.

CIS identity varification

A new section will be added. Enter the same details as before (if used). Enter a string of letters/numbers in the ‘Passport number’ if for a non UK country. If a UK passport is being used please enter a nine digit number as this is validated. Select a valid ‘Expiry Date’.

CIS new user - passport details

Select any option from the ‘Address Verification’ dropdown (other than driving licence) and click ‘Add’. The ‘Document Issuer’ field is not validated, enter a string of letters here and select a date within the last 3 months. Repeat for the second address verification and ensure that the ‘I verify…’ box is ticked.

CIS new user - financial statement

Enter any required notes into the notes field (reference numbers etc) and then click ‘Grant user’.

CIS - new user notes

A pop up will appear containing the UUID of the user – make a note of this number.

Last edited: 31 January 2022 4:05 pm