Integration environments
Find out how to connect to the integration environments, services available, build version, maintenance slots and scheduled changes.
How the integration environments should be used
The integration environments should be used by suppliers to test and assure their products in an integrated environment, supervised by NHS Digital, against the Spine Core, Spine Care Identity Service (CIS) and NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) national systems.
The e-RS Int1 environment provides e-RS services using the Spine Core integration environment for messaging.
What the integration environments should not be used for
The integration environments do not:
- replace the development environments as proof of concept or early integration test environments
- provide right of access to any other environments during environment downtime or any other form of unavailability
How to connect to the environment
Before you start
You will need to:
- have a connection to the Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) - the secure NHS network (if you do not have a connection or are experiencing problems connecting, contact your network provider)
- request access to test data (email: [email protected])
- request smartcards if required - you must have a valid smartcard to user certain services, including the Care Identity Service (CIS) - if you do not have a valid smartcard please email: [email protected]
- register the messaging product using a Manufacturer, product and version (MPV) form if required
- register your message handling service with the Spine by requesting an endpoint (an authorised connection to Spine) to be created unless you have an endpoint administrator in your organisation who can do this for you - please complete the endpoint admin access request form (epr) to manage your own endpoints
- register your register your Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) with the NHS DNS team
- download Identity Agent (IA) Client software
More detailed guidance of the connection process
Additional guidance to support the connection process.
Further assistance
Contact us for further assistance. Email: [email protected]
Connection information
A full list of URLs and associated IP addresses are provided below to help you connect to the integration environments.
Local firewall administrators should allow communication to the IP addresses as necessary using these details.
Portal URLs
These are the connection URLs for the Care Identity Service (CIS) portal and associated applications.
Description | URL | DNS name | IP address | Port |
Used for the SCRa service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for self service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for the alert service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for the DSA service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for the ETP ADMIN service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for the SRS service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for the MOLES service | | | | TCP 443 |
Portal page with links to Spine Core and CIS applications | | | See System URL below | TCP 443 |
System URLs
These are the connection URLs for the services required to run or connect to applications. Due to the move of this environment to AWS, the IP addresses of the following are not constant. Customers will need to open their firewalls to the IP address range of to ports 636 (LDAP) and 443 (Sbapi, Gas and INT Portal (see above)). If you are using hard-coded IP addresses e.g. in a hosts file, you will need modify your application to use the DNS service names.
Description | URL | DNS name | IP address | Port |
This is the LDAPS protocol service to the directory. This is a service used by other services accessing the SPINE for directory lookups. |
ldaps://<LDAP QUERY> <LDAP QUERY> - the query to the directory may be contained within the URL | | See above | TCP 636 |
This name exists for Smart Card authentications from the PC and is not a user service |
Client Side GAC URL: /login/authactivate /login/authlogout Server Side GAS URL: /login/authvalidate | | See above | TCP 443 |
Used to access ID server and is not a user based service These URLs will only be used by application developers and are included here for completeness (this URL is case sensitive) |
Naming service: /amserver/namingservice Role assertion: /saml/RoleAssertion | | See above | TCP 443 |
Messaging URLs
These are the messaging URLs for all Spine services.
Spine party key
A party key is a unique reference for a particular organisation and set of contract properties. Several party keys can exist at the same organisation and will start with the Organisation Data Service (ODS) code.
For the integration environment, the party key is: YES-0000806.
All messaging properties should be obtained from this party key using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service URL listed below.
Description | URL | DNS name | IP address | Port |
Used for all domain synchronous messaging This is also the service entry point for NN4B messages | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for all domain reliable messaging | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for all domain unreliable messaging | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for all domain intermediary messaging | | | | TCP 443 |
Used to access the gazetteer postcode look up service Gazetteer is a web service so will be called by other applications using this URL. This is not a user service | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for all SMSP messaging Now uses TLS1.2 | | | | TCP 443 |
Used for GP Connect messaging Now uses TLS1.2 |[provider service root url]/[fhir request] | | | TCP 443 |
Used for internet facing messaging | | |
Varies | TCP 443 |
Outbound Network Address Translation (NAT) addresses
The following IP addresses/ports need to be configured on the end user firewalls to form inbound firewall rules. This will allow endpoints to receive messages from the integration environments.
Description | URL | DNS name | IP address | Port |
All Messages will be sent out as coming from Nothing will ever be sent to this domain name This is included for clarity and firewall rules only |
No URL | | | TCP 443 |
Outbound token events to registered listeners will be sent from this address Nothing will ever be sent to this domain name This is included for clarity and firewall rules only CIS will respond on the port number specified by the client request |
No URL | Not applicable | 10..239.58.0/24 | Any |
Integration NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) URLs and IP addresses
Party key
For e-RS in the Int1 environment, the party key is: YEO-812583.
Accredited System ID (ASID)
For e-RS in the Int1 environment, the ASID is: 176887180519. This is a unique reference for a particular system. Different systems may have different ASIDs.
The IP addresses and URLs below are used to access the e-RS services.
Description | URL | DNS name | IP address | Port |
Professional webapp | | | Variable | TCP 443 |
Patient webapp | | | Variable | TCP 443 |
e-RS API | | | Variable | TCP 443 |
RootCA and SubCA certificates
In order to establish a connection to the integration environment, a chain of trust must be set up using the RootCA and SubCA certificates.
- Copy the required RootCA or SubCA certificate.
- Open Notepad or similar and paste the certificate - save the file locally with a suitable file name
- Locate the locally saved text file and change the file extension from .txt to .der
- Import the certificate into the local trusted certificate store - use the documentation from your software supplier as this may vary between applications
Please note that the:
- RootCA should be placed in 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities'
- SubCA should be placed in 'Intermediate Certification Authorities'
Root CA (NHS PTL Root Authority G2 valid from 2 August 2022) (G2 Root Certificate)
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFtDCCA5ygAwIBAgIQHJP1UsE9cdiw+4IqFnxM3TANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADBM MQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjEMMAoGA1UEChMDbmhzMQswCQYDVQQLEwJDQTEiMCAGA1UE AxMZTkhTIFBUTCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0eSBHMjAeFw0yMjA4MDIxNTE3MjRaFw00 MjA4MDIxNTQ3MjRaMEwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMQwwCgYDVQQKEwNuaHMxCzAJBgNV BAsTAkNBMSIwIAYDVQQDExlOSFMgUFRMIFJvb3QgQXV0aG9yaXR5IEcyMIICIjAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAwIy5AVQWAT35rfI0AYCql2F04Yp9 M6gTgv6vmxtdHsIJgLCrbxy5p6hQIxCu0Jq4Fc8rflv5jDZOPO6tsFRuJck1Xv17 53jBAuo00Q0XoORdfTymktLp78P2zNvj3Y3oaXUW6dzwztQf/BLjSwD0A3uuiej8 BuemHDQDCWHhfu8fkVC85n8XPO1QKzmpTHXBK5tgx5SkDzfxk3zsc31tgs+/xRmZ Jc45qWQazFCtGr5rpeKb/9thi9+LbctCMO2Be4La4u6rePOhR8zx73zpLnrtOD8s Nfxqk59vyIZ7fqfGCfIs8hdcQFOvfABalSaW2Bg4njwOY879WjyxtE1jpPB/fuDp /cQtrdNVLEY+fEa+WBbX/TG2GAQFFle/ThU+c2mtkfToRL42Hrbzfqg9wr69e2oI 79cQ3DKP1Eaq0bzw8TkOfswoKgKm4QGlBzJFAWaAEvisX+JgRtPzvSTMCttUbBYp NnfXwayQ8s9IwYwPeFDQrs0/MR+uUqtObUv9B3T4bNBXoIc98rn7+/x5yQhGYre8 0YzcqeL33A/K6Tzu+P3u9DftfkOgcnZyg69ePqAAjrY9OA2RqnVfxm7vraaEgxMm rpslCni/FM+/P6yV4LdnDJuKfaMq0k+RfkbsT2WXsJHLIec8uRgpoa74QvEO/p85 UDIFBUds0QqN1GsCAwEAAaOBkTCBjjAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/ BAUwAwEB/zArBgNVHRAEJDAigA8yMDIyMDgwMjE1MTcyNFqBDzIwNDIwODAyMTU0 NzI0WjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT1ttVSqL14/nJhaztdjCPAsBYM8zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU 9bbVUqi9eP5yYWs7XYwjwLAWDPMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIBAKekcO9zq3ER YFOJTDqkY4NoDSTmlab4Al07hLJ8WYckSePQ9HmxVEqnTVYBCtPHfcyUlUqbBQVh DBQ2ZzERONqq2ENevGh6Li/0ZxuPiQhb5hxL7uv20vTEmbkSrPYs5TKYNbkJ8gx+ JT4uoxETLfNHG6WvGV2VBbMR+dZQisRoR0jm8P7n7wkTHjiDNH7FLfgozy3hIfUR 0bhLEt3HlniPBoC4egvZMP/R8rnOwqdEmStP6YR2BZxUSmrQozOamVJIljMTiTlG xwqmvVMnRtaYIQsdOyiXpS4UjocbebV+a7u9Bbst/Y2rV8PVprpATlqj4YOjqrNx v5MrLgyknNKUIqhbJXAy9j74x8OO1tilH6vf32zapZa/GtHpTvo7nRr1pNnfUgbp vBCvXoxIrg7rrWx3kjRF9Cri1d5khUDXYJzewflSsgYLLTygQ+lwthw+XghdHNos TARNSRPrO5JsWmSc6R9bjcuyhAsxvhAS1LpE1EwckkMUgSvdfmKbNc3RkjyusGYP Nlo+MiECpArwqymOxnULpKCwgJApVrwht0eDYzIw5XCe68FCQ/Ewaj25l81gVyWQ gM4KvdmCt0vk++15mcuUayTdcUg4cAGegvP8g0a9qncHT83J9E4D47QvftZkqZtF E3e+hb4BEdtJoedF9IHxjaHpRVhwJT98 -----END CERTIFICATE-----
SubCA (NHS INT Authentication G2 valid from 2 August 2022) (G2 Intermediate Certificate)
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFhzCCA2+gAwIBAgIQGjdQ3OTSYx62oSmGTy9tazANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADBM MQswCQYDVQQGEwJHQjEMMAoGA1UEChMDbmhzMQswCQYDVQQLEwJDQTEiMCAGA1UE AxMZTkhTIFBUTCBSb290IEF1dGhvcml0eSBHMjAeFw0yMjA4MDQxNDA1NDNaFw0z MjA4MDQxNDM1NDNaMEwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMQwwCgYDVQQKEwNuaHMxCzAJBgNV BAsTAkNBMSIwIAYDVQQDExlOSFMgSU5UIEF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uIEcyMIIBIjAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxT9GjD+It1PZUGSCxqgZl0GFu1Bs T2+IrzTQP0PnI0GQSEVmln4629ezXxhPigPqokzw4lDS/x5a/1qcSVMzgPBkaYH8 04+MEBQNatuZhEu6zJPr6ARR3kGEf6MfxyllL5FwxU7AYNuACb6eVKvST/OC40Vx CGEhoIwvhvA016K50wYwtv8oiaywpHx+NbD2VhdOOsHNHZIauOmqHzY3IwmvS5NA NiZx8s8ctETbRsrwgO3p/667ix3PZME9yCPmzhm9TsyJABEjIDrRm1qW15V+GNfz jjBkN+j5dmtJRHbO+KLwwqY63sHg3JNeA74FFxxfVlSwUykeuQTT8UbcbwIDAQAB o4IBYzCCAV8wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQEwPgYD VR0gBDcwNTAzBgsqhjoAiXtlAAMCADAkMCIGCCsGAQUFBwIBFhZodHRwczovL3Br aS5uaHMudWsvQ1BTMHgGCCsGAQUFBwEBBGwwajAjBggrBgEFBQcwAYYXaHR0cDov L29jc3AubmhzLnVrL29jc3AwQwYIKwYBBQUHMAKGN2h0dHA6Ly9wa2kubmhzLnVr L1BUTC9HMi9yb290L05IU1BUTFJvb3RBdXRob3JpdHlHMi5jcnQwPwYDVR0fBDgw NjA0oDKgMIYuaHR0cDovL2NybC5uaHMudWsvUFRML0cyL3Jvb3QvTkhTUFRMcm9v dEcyLmNybDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT1ttVSqL14/nJhaztdjCPAsBYM8zAdBgNVHQ4E FgQUFsdHBKhgyeRdq5nylPfD3jOY1CIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIBAEWWjN0d 6uxtKi5aLEv0CtUXqg7MJClCHKwCpYuewzI/OfRux5LuL7xHQx8Baj5Jh2IiZLkc vPQ626RVnKaYOvJAoM7UWMFgr3vta0uMEAnxRIOCpNiQFDh4HBpzbQNcMg8zkKUi JMb4OmT09zCzGTG2WdPT6KwAJOXw9IVeT+Z8ggScCmbiLKHT+s9y612oekIH0SxM /BNjmyYWt02cON6e92XXs6refjoJS29Kne2nBwersk1bLAumcueVBEtnMUBILXlH XoFcCIZSOca/qg9K7jyxl+uyXWK74AblMi0RfKsziM34Ux+hKv03SknLT9kbIBt0 lbjntoeweu4oXMDQ+wdjSRe0OM0Ed2ttFMsI8jSkJAQlvN1uks5/M+cdAsg3D7Gp Df3WPHCT17ulr9VJ5I16XOb6JnNoMGEgUQm/AyNGO2zLm+XLo4Ujk/dKES08Cwwm zjXqOCti2Kp9mWYF8x1gOwIu4ye+rBhJdlNnxvbdV4oOyo1CYyw261jWI19yCaDJ Hmgq1F8M7nY0C9NRqlRaB1G+p1+mZVlVMOOD6EmprV80rBDfVN/N2swbmSGhijNe zAlqBMIkp6jTG9lEJbvtpY6aGWGlEheb2pPcBCXcBknI1Lhqv/sgdM6zbkzD+rAi oukkF6E6wLgCHgPz3FJwVBnM0NdaISHTBbOQ -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Registry settings required to connect to the spine integration environments
In order to access the Spine Integration environment, changes are required to the user's computer registry. The exact changes depend on the version of the Identity Agent (IA) Client being used, and whether the operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit.
- Copy the relevant text to a Notepad file and save it to your desktop
- Rename the file, changing the file extension from .txt to .reg
- Double-click on the file to run it
N.B. You will need administrator access to change registry settings on your computer. If you do not have this you should contact your local support team to run the file for you.
Registry File HSCIC Identity Agent 2 (64-bit) Spine Integration
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HSCIC\Identity Agent] "ActivatePOSTURL"="" "LaunchAppsPath"="" "MobilityPersistence_Available"="False" "SessionLockPersistence_Enabled"="False"
Registry File HSCIC Identity Agent 2 (32-bit) Spine Integration
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HSCIC\Identity Agent] "ActivatePOSTURL"="" "LaunchAppsPath"="" "MobilityPersistence_Available"="False" "SessionLockPersistence_Enabled"="False"
Registry File HSCIC Identity Agent 1 (64-bit) Spine Integration
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\HSCIC\Identity Agent] "ActivatePOSTURL"="" "RoleSelectionGETPOSTURL"="" "LogoffPOSTURL"="" "LaunchAppsPath"=""
Registry File HSCIC Identity Agent 1 (32-bit) Spine Integration
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HSCIC\Identity Agent] "ActivatePOSTURL"="" "RoleSelectionGETPOSTURL"="" "LogoffPOSTURL"="" "LaunchAppsPath"=""
Registry File BT Identity Agent IA13 Spine Integration
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Gemplus\GAC] "Activate.URL"="" "Logout.URL"="" "Authentication.StartBrowser.Url"="<SSO_TICKET>" ""="1ef2f9cc"\ "UpdateWatcher.enable"=dword:00000000 ""="<IP_ADR>&latestdeviceid=<DEVICE_ID>&storeddeviceid=<OLD_DEVICE_ID>&token=<SSO_TICKET>" "Authentication.StartBrowser.Url"="<SSO_TICKET>" "RoleSelection.URL"="<SSO_TICKET>&selectedRoleUid=<ROLE_UID>&ssbMode=<MODE>&gacVersion=<GAC_VERSION>&fallbackStatus=<FALLBACK>"\ "Portal.URL"=""
Services available in the integration environments
Spine Core Messaging and Spine Core applications
The Spine Core service provides a messaging service that allows certified endpoint message handling systems to query and update data held in the national demographic and prescriptions systems.
The Spine Core systems also supports the e-RS national systems by providing a messaging interface between e-RS and referrers and providers. Also included in the Spine Core service are the Graphic User Interface (GUI) based Summary Care Record application (SCRa) and Demographic Spine Application (DSA). These allow Spine Core data to be manipulated without a messaging interface.
Spine Mini Service Provider
The Spine Mini Service Provider provides customers an interface to submit a limited number of demographic messages in a simple format.
Spine Secure Proxy
The Spine Secure Proxy provides a simpler interface to local systems for demographic messaging, allowing quick recovery of details without the requirements of full integration. Messaging functionality is limited to retrievals and simple trace. Updates are not supported.
Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH)
The Message Exchange for Social Care and Health (MESH) provides a workflow based data transfer service that allows registered users to exchange data between secure mailboxes. It is used to support services such as the transfer of Pathology data between labs and hospitals and electronic discharge notes to community medical teams for patients leaving hospital care.
Care Identity Service (CIS)
The Care Identity Service (CIS) controls user access to data held in the national systems. Users access is via a smartcard and uses Role Based Access Control. Both smartcards and Access control are managed within the CIS application. Certification and management of message handling systems is also managed within the CIS application. Please note that User Identity Management element of CIS will be replaced by the Care Identity Management system in the summer of 2024.
Care Identity Service 2 (CIS2)
The CIS2 Service supports newer non-smartcard, non-HSCN access to applications accessed via the CIS portal. Existing HSCN smartcard based access is still supported by CIS2.
Care Identity Management (CIM)
The Care Identity Management system controls user access to data held in the national systems mas part of CIS/CIS2. Users access is via CIS2 and can use smartcard, security keys or authenticators using Role Based Access Control. Certification and management of message handling systems is also managed within the CIS application. Please note the CIS service will be deprecated and replaced by Care Identity Management in the summer of 2024.
NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS)
The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) combines electronic booking with a choice of place, date and time for first hospital or clinic appointments. Patients can choose their initial hospital or clinic appointment, book it in the GP surgery at the point of referral, or later at home on the phone or online.
NHS e-Referral Service Application Programming Interface (e-RS API)
The NHS e-Referral Service Application Programming Interface (e-RS API) service allows patient systems to perform clinical actions within the e-RS application via an external API interface.
Smartcard services
You will need a valid smartcard to use certain services including the Care Identity Service (CIS).
If you do not have one, email: [email protected]
Environment build versions
Current versions of the national system applications deployed in each Path to Live environment.
Maintenance slots and scheduled changes
Although these are the scheduled maintenance slots, check the Forward Change Schedule for activity taking place outside of these scheduled slots.
Maintenance slots
Spine Core
Monday 8pm to Tuesday 6am (weekly)
Wednesday 8pm to Thursday 6am (weekly)
Spine CIS
Tuesday 8pm to Wednesday 6am (weekly)
Tuesday 8pm to Wednesday 6am (following live e-RS release)
Last edited: 10 June 2024 2:03 pm