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Publication, Part of

Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics, Performance October 2024

Official statistics

Issue with Gender Breakdowns in Rates Measures

An issue has been identified with the Gender breakdowns in MHS81a, MHS84a, MHS116a, OAP05, OAP05a, OAP06, OAP06a, OAP07 and OAP07a. These breakdowns have been removed from the main and OAPs publication files and the files given a _v2 suffix. These breakdowns will be republished as part of the process to add end of year data.

28 January 2025 15:00 PM


Data collection

These statistics are produced from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) and are published monthly.

The MHSDS is a complex relational data set which collects record-level data on NHS-funded specialist mental health, learning disabilities and autism services. As a secondary uses data set it intends to re-use clinical and operational data for purposes other than direct patient care.

The MHSDS is unique in its coverage, because it covers not only services provided in hospitals, but also in outpatient clinics and in the community, where the majority of people in contact with these services are treated. MHSDS brings together key information from Adult and Children's mental health, learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, CYP-IAPT and early intervention care pathway that has been captured on clinical systems as part of patient care.

From April 2019 data, the MHSDS is collected via the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) Cloud service using the MHSDS v4.0 (or later) Intermediate Database (IDB). Prior to this, MHSDS data was collected via the Bureau Service Portal.

Unlike the Bureau Service Portal, the SDCS Cloud an internet-facing service that does not require an N3 or HSCN connection, making it easier for providers to submit data and therefore enabling better coverage in published statistics. This new service stores MHSDS data in cloud-based infrastructure.

Detailed guidance is available to support providers in making submissions via the SDCS Cloud. This includes detailed technical and user guidance. New providers must complete a defined process to gain access to the SDCS Cloud. It also uses two-factor authentication as the secure method of confirming user identity using a combination of two different factors.

Data Processing

From April 2019 data, the MHSDS data are processed using NHS Digital’s new Data Processing Services (DPS). DPS uses modern technologies and processes to collect, process and access data more efficiently.

Find out more about our Data Processing Services (DPS) here.

Assignment of Sub ICB

Currently this publication uses two approaches to assigning Sub Integrated Care Board (Sub ICB) activity. The key difference to consider when using the statistics in this publication is the methodology for assigning Sub ICB to activity; a brief explanation of the different methodologies is presented below and any Sub ICB level statistics should be used with consideration of these differences.

  • Sub ICB of GP Practice or Residence – the Sub ICB is assigned to activity based on the most recent information about an individual and, as such, activity measured will be attributed to a single Sub ICB. The Sub ICB methodology also assigns a Sub ICB based on the Sub ICB of GP Practice or Residence.
  • Sub ICB of Residence – the Sub ICB is assigned to activity based on the information available at the time of activity and, as such, activity measured may be attributed to multiple Sub ICBs. The Sub ICB methodology is based on Sub ICB of Residence only.

A review of these approaches is currently underway with a view to using one standard approach for reporting by Sub ICB.

Data validation

MHSDS data is validated in stages.

Firstly, the data is validated at the point of submission, for each provider. If file-level validation checks are not passed the provider will receive a file-level rejection report. If file-level rejection is passed, the data are successfully submitted but the provider will still receive a report containing details of field-level errors and warnings. These can be investigated, corrected and further submissions can be made within the submission window.

For submitted data, NHS Digital publishes two types of data quality reports in this publication series. By publishing data from both ‘provisional’ and ‘performance’ submissions, providers can review issues identified in a ‘provisional’ submission and investigate and resolve them for a ‘performance’ submission.

The first type of report is a coverage report. This shows the number of records successfully submitted by each provider, for each data table in the MHSDS. When viewed in time-series format in our Power BI reports, this also provides intelligence on the consistency of submissions and enables outliers to be identified.

The second type of report is a ‘VODIM’ report. This classifies each record into five categories; Valid, Other, Default, Invalid, Missing. NHS Digital is expanding the number of items for which VODIM reporting is available. This file also includes a number of Integrity measures. This information is also available as a Power BI report.

In addition to these reports NHS digital also publishes a Submission Report that provides additional information, especially around the use of the Multiple Submission Window Model.


These statistics are disseminated via the NHS Digital website.

Monthly statistics are disseminated from data collected in ‘provisional’ and ‘performance’ submission windows for each month. At reporting year end, monthly statistics will be disseminated as a 'final' version from the latest submitted data throughout the year collected as part of the Multiple Submission Window Model. The ‘provisional’ data are designated as provisional and the ‘performance’ as performance data.

As part of ongoing initiatives to provide more timely data, the Provisional April 2023 data will include all reporting metrics. This new position will be monitored through quarter 1 and quarter 2 of 2023-24 with a view to moving to a single submission window towards the end of 2023.

The data are also disseminated in the annual Mental Health Bulletin, which contains reporting based on a financial year reporting period and additional analysis where resources permit.


The statistics presented in this publication are currently designated as official statistics; where possible, major changes to methodologies are made between reporting years in order to preserve time-series. 

The Mental Health Analysis team welcomes any comments or feedback on the publication so please send any such communications to [email protected] with ‘Mental Health Monthly Statistics’ in the subject.

Last edited: 28 January 2025 2:53 pm