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Part of Sustainability Annual Report 2020-21

Annex 2 - Detailed sustainability datasets

Current Chapter

Current chapter – Annex 2 - Detailed sustainability datasets

Absolute metrics  

Sustainability theme Unit/subcategory Carbon scope Absolute consumption figures % change  % change
    2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2019/20- 20/21 2012/14- 202/21
Normalisation  FTE - 2,137 2,400 2,746 2,857 3,335 3,367 3,079 3,033 -1% 42%
Generator fuel use (diesel litres)  1 no data  no data  no data no data  no data  525 0 0    
Gas (ooo's kWH) 1 3,086 2,695 2,311 2,310 2,607 2,654 2,224 2,517 13% -18%
Building electricity

(ooo's kWH)

2 and 3 4,707 4,712 4,975 4,414 4,772 4,537 3,861 2,446 -37% -48%
Colocation data centre electricity

(ooo's kWH) with PUE Correction 

2 and 3 1,939 2,602 3,123 3,256 3,124 3,635 4,505 4,219 -6% 118%
F-gas leak tests  (kg refrigerant leaked) 1 no data  no data  no data  no data  no data  80 6 0 -100%  


(000's km)

Lease cars  1 179 179 261 287 323 204 150 4 -97% -98%


(000's km)

Grey fleet (including taxi) 3 1,564 1,512 1,562 1,350 1,293 1,236 779 2 -100% -100%


(000's km)

Hotels (nights) 3 7,633 no data no data no data  no data 14,332 12,352 78 -99% -99%


(000's km)

Flights 3 659 713 766 1,293 1,313 1,220 701 0 -100% -100%


(000's km)

Trains (including) London travel  3 5,790 6,816 8,062 9,425 10,853 9,859 8,087 8 -100% -100%


(000's km)

Total 1 and 3 8,192 9,220 10,651 12,355 13,782 12,519 9,717 13 -100% -100%
Water (m3) 3 11,223 13,154 13,766 15,400 20,797 20,192 16,900 11,023 -35% -2%
Waste(tonnes)  Recycling   3 35 34 65 66 67 68 111 94 -15% 169%
Waste(tonnes ICT waste 3 4 15 12 13 6 6 4 3 -17% -17%
Waste(tonnes Waste to energy 3 0 0 6 12 21 20 48 6 -88% -
Waste(tonnes Waste to landfill  3 42 41 25 25 15 15 4 0.4 -91% -99%
Waste(tonnes % diverted from landfill  - 48% 54% 77% 78% 86% 86% 98% 99%    
Waste(tonnes Total 3 81 90 108 116 109 109 167 104 -38% 28%
Procurement  Paper use (A4 reams) 3 9,487 9,215 8,340 6,615 6,247 3,856 4,724 296 -94% -97%
Procurement  ICT hardware (£1000's)  3 5,000 no data  no data no data no data 4,000 5,800 4,120 -29% -18%
Procurement  Outsourced data services (MWh) 3 8,856 no data no data no data no data 1,372 1,372 1,343 -2% -85%


Absolute carbon figures (tonnes CO2e) 


Sustainability theme Unit/subcategory Carbon scope Absolute carbon figures (tonnes CO2e)  % change  % change 
    13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 19/20- 20/21 13/14- 20/21
Generator fuel use Total 1 no data no data no data no data no data 1.4 0 0    
Gas Total 1 568 499 406 425 480 495 409 463 13% -19%
Building electricity  Total  2 and 3 2,276 2,533 2,489 1,983 1,834 1,394 1,071 619 -42% -73%
Colocation data centre electricity  Total 2 and 3 937 1,399 1,563 1,463 1,201 1,117 1,249 1,068 -15% 14%
F-gas leak tests Total 1 no data  no data  no data  no data no data  122 8 0 -100%  
Travel Lease cars 1 34 34 29 54 59 20 17 1 -96% -98%
Travel  Grey fleet (including taxis)  3 375 287 291 252 236 162 105 3 -98% -99%
Travel  Hotels (nights)  3 267 no data no data no data  no data  365 235 1 -99% -100%
Travel Flights  3 100 87 103 118 145 143 115 0.0 -100% -100%
Travel Trains (including London travel)  2 284 323 363 460 504 436 333 0.3 -100% -100%
Travel  Total  1 and 3 1,060 Lack of complete data sets  Lack of complete data sets  Lack of complete data sets  Lack of complete data sets  1,126 805 -99% -100%
Water Total  3 12 14 14 16 22 23 19 13 -35% 7%
Waste Recycling  3 0.7 0.7 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.0 -15% 174%
Waste ICT waste 3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 -17% -15%
Waste Waste to energy  3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.1 -88% -
Waste Waste to landfill  3 10.3 10.0 6.1 6.1 3.7 3.7 1.2 0.1 -905 99%
Waste Total  3 11.1 11.1 7.8 7.8 5.7 5.7 4.7 2.3 -50% -79%
Procurement Paper use 3 14 14 12 10 9 6 7 0 -94% -97%
Procurement ICT hardware 3 970 no data  no data  no data  no data 776 1,125 799 -29% -18%
Procurement Outsourced data service 3 4,282 no data  no data no data  no data  421 380 350 -11% -92%
Procurement Hyperscale Cloud 3 no cloud no data  no data  no data  no data  no data 36 254 606%  
Carbon by scope Scope 1 1 602 - - - - - 434 463 7% -23%
Carbon by scope  Scope 2 2 2961 - - - - - 2138 1554 -27% -48%
Carbon by scope  Scope 3 3 6569 - - - - - 2602 1546 -41% -76%
Operational via ICT C02 Operational footprint 1,2 and 3 4661 - - - - - 3218 1901 -41% -59%
Operational via ICT C02 Platforms footprint  2 and 3 5471 - - - - - 1957 1662 -15% -70%
Total CO2 Total  1,2 and 3 10131 - - - - - 5175 3563 -31% -65%

Absolute spend

Sustainability theme Unit/subcategory Carbon scope Absolute cost (£000's)  % change % change
    13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 19/20 -20/21 13/14-20/21 
Generator fuel use Total 1 no data no data no data  no data no data 0.7 0 0    
Gas Total 1 110 97 70 65 74 85 55 58 5% -48%
Building electricity Total 2 and 3 450 472 497 431 481 528 602 341 -43% -24%
Colocation data centre electricity Total 2 and 3 94 128 176 188 172 212 254 207 -19% 120%
Travel (oo's km)  Lease cars 1 17 17 24 24 30 19 22 1 -93% -91%
Travel (oo's km)  Grey fleet (including taxi)  3 596 508 516 446 427 462 302 7 -98% -99%
Travel (oo's km)  Hotels (nights)  3 692 no data no data no data  no data  1,362 959 6 -99% -99%
Travel (oo's km)  Flights 3 125 138 192 255 309  247 127 0 -100% -100%
Travel (oo's km)  Trains (including London travel)  3 1,667 1,862 2,285 2,567 3,110 2,844 2,200 3 -100% -100%
Travel  Total  1 and 3 3,097 lack of complete data sets lack of complete data sets lack of complete data sets lack of complete data sets 4,934 3,610 18 -100% -99%
Water Total 3 57 41 44 42 66 62 48 27 -43% -52%
Waste Total  3 99 99 99 54 48 59 60 341 468% 244%
Procurement  Paper use (A4 reams)  3 27 26 24 19 18 11 13 1 -94% -97%
Procurement ICT hardware (£1000s) 3 5,000 no data no data  no data  no data 4,000 5,800 4,120 -29% -18%

Download the detailed sustainability data sets

Last edited: 19 January 2022 7:40 am