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Part of Sustainability Annual Report 2020-21

Annex 1- Progress against UN sustainable development goals

Current Chapter

Current chapter – Annex 1- Progress against UN sustainable development goals

We have mapped the actions and deliverables from 2020/21 to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

3 good health and well being

(3.8, 3.b)

Case studies:

  • provision of health and well-being services for all employees to take advantage of, including Employee Assistance Programme and Mental Health First Aiders’ Network
  • continued provision of digital health services for the health and social care sector and accelerated provision of new services to support the pandemic efforts

Goal 4: Quality Education

UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 quality education icon


Case studies:

NHS Digital donated a total of 151 Surface Pro 4’s to charities and schools to help them with home learning during the pandemic. 

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 affordable and clean energy

(7.1.2, 7.2, 7.a)

Case studies:

  • production of electricity from solar panels at our office in Exeter
  • continued procurement of cloud providers only using renewable energy to power our data centres
  • use of electric vehicle (EV) chargers in our Leeds Hub building for all staff, free of charge 


Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure

(9.b.1, 9.c, 9.c.1)

Case studies:

  • use of NHS App accelerated due to the pandemic
  • improved access to technology for NHS patients
  • increased integration of technology with front-line services, including GPs and clinicians

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

UN Sustainable Development Goal 10 reduced inequalities icon

(10.2, 10.3)

Case studies:

  • sustainability communications campaign focussing on culture change and staff engagement
  • collaboration with the equality, diversity, and Inclusion networks to work towards climate justice by hosting an internal ‘Period Parity’ workshop focussed on reducing inequalities of people who have periods and increasing employee awareness around sustainable menstrual products
  • work with the Mental Health First Aiders’ network to increase understanding of the concept of ‘climate distress/eco-anxiety’ and delivery of an organisation-wide event introducing the concept and ways to reduce stress


Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 image

(11.3.2, 11.6, 11.b)

Case study: 

Consolidation of Leeds office estate in readiness of our move to the Leeds Government Hub in April 2021, offering a far superior premises in terms of its energy efficiency and community-focussed offering for tenants. 

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 responsible consumption and production

(12.1.1, 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 12.5.1, 12.6.1, 12.7.1, 12.8.1.ii)

Case studies:

  • consolidation of offices and efforts to improve utilisation into more efficient buildings
  • continued efforts to embed sustainability into construction and dilapidation projects
  • enhancing sustainability criteria in commercial and procurement via the Social Value Act
  • provision of information and awareness for sustainability and resilience, providing through regular training workshops

Goal 13: Climate Action

UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 climate action icon

(13.1.2, 13.1.3, 13.2.1, 13.3.1, 13.3.2)

Case studies:

  • undertaking a Climate Change Risk Assessment to ensure that our current estate and technical infrastructure is resilient and adaptable to climatic changes 
  • continued provision of monthly sustainability training sessions for all employees
  • continues engagement and awareness raising activities by the Green Digits network
  • continued embedding of climate adaptation across internal policies and procedures and raising staff awareness

Goal 14: Life below water

UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 life below water


Case studies: 

  • reducing use of single-use plastics across our Estate as part of the commitment on single use plastic reduction
  • deploying the use of non-plastic, biodegradable anti-bacterial office wipes and environmentally friendly cleaning products throughout our Estate to prevent eutrophication and gloating plastic debris density


Last edited: 19 January 2022 7:40 am