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NHS App walk through videos

Video guidance showing how to use the NHS App step by step. These videos show you how to navigate the NHS App and use its services.

These videos show you how to navigate the NHS App and use its services. Each video has a voice over and captions on screen.

Watch the entire playlist

How to see NHS App messages and notifications

Read the NHS App messages and notifications video transcript

In the NHS app, you can see messages from your health care providers to make sure you get a notification when you have received a new message in your inbox.

Your notification settings need to be turned on in your phone.

To do this, go to your account and select Settings.

Then select Manage Notifications.

Select go to Device Settings.

Select Allow notifications.

Once you've enabled notifications on your device, you need to reopen the NHS app.

Doing this confirms that you have registered to receive notifications.

For more information, go to app.

How to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment

Read the COVID-19 vaccine appointment video transcript

You can book your Covid-19 vaccine appointment in the NHS App.

Select the services icon, scroll down and select book.

You can cancel or change a Covid-19 vaccine appointment.

You can check if you need a vaccine and book the vaccine appointment.

If you already have an appointment, you can see the details of the booking, reschedule or cancel.

If you need help, go to

The NHS App home page 

The NHS App home page 

Read the the NHS App home page video transcript

When you open the NHS app you will see your name and NHS number at the top of the screen. 

Boxes under the heading services and your health take you directly into popular areas of the app.

You can use the services area of the app to look after your health by ordering prescriptions or checking appointments.

You can use the your health area to see and manage your health care, personal information and records.

You can also use use the icons at the bottom of the screen to see everything in these two main sections.

Scroll down the screen to see your messages.

You can switch profiles and see the NHS app account of a relative or person you care for.

If you need help visit

How to find services near you on the NHS App

Read the how to find services near you on the NHS App video transcript

On the services page of the NHS app you can order a repeat prescription, check for available GP appointments, use 111 online find NHS services near you and search for trusted NHS health information. 

Some of these services depend on your GP surgery so you may not see all of these links. 

If you need help you can visit

How to use 111 on the NHS App

Read the how to use 111 on the NHS App video transcript

Use 111 online on the NHS app to check if you need medical help right now.

You'll be asked to agree to give certain information with the online service.

Check you are happy with the details.  

Select start to use 111 online. 

Read the checklist and confirm you don't need to call 999.

111 online does not know your health record so you may need to give this information from here you can use 111 online.

If you need help visit

How to order your repeat prescriptions on the NHS App

Read the how to order your repeat prescription on the NHS App video transcript

You can order your repeat prescription on the NHS app.

On the homepage select request repeat prescriptions.

You will see or can change your nominated pharmacy then select continue.

You will see your medicines select what you need.

Then select continue.

If you're happy with the details select request prescriptions. 

Your prescription has now been requested.

You can find out what to do next, see the status of your request and see that the medicine you requested is waiting for approval.

If you need help you can visit

How to contact your GP surgery on the NHS App

Read the how to contact your GP surgery on the NHS App transcript

You can use the NHS app to contact your GP surgery. Not all GP surgeries offer this service you may be able to request a fit note or ask for an update on test results.

Select the services icon on the homepage.

Select contact your GP about a document or update. 

You'll see a screen with details about the service provider press continue and you'll be able to make your request. 

If you need help visit

How to contact your GP surgery about a health problem on the NHS App

Read the how to contact your GP surgery about a health problem on the NHS App video transcript

You can use the NHS app to contact your GP surgery about a health problem. 

Not all GP surgeries offer this service.

You can describe your symptoms and then you will hear back from your surgery. 

Select the services icon on the homepage select contact your GP about a health problem. 

You'll see a screen with details about the service provider. 

Press continue and you'll be able to describe your symptoms and send the message to your surgery. 

If you need help visit

How to see your GP health record on the NHS App

Read the how to see your GP health record on the NHS App video transcript

You can use the NHS app to see your GP health record.

You can see information about your medicines health conditions and your test results.

You will see a warning message saying your health record may contain sensitive information. 

Select continue if you're happy to see your GP health record.

You will then see information about your health conditions: medicines, test results and documents. 

If you need help visit

How to see your hospital referrals on the NHS App

Read the how to see your hospital referrals and appointments on the NHS App video transcript

On the homepage of the NHS app you can check confirm and change details of your upcoming hospital appointment. 

Scroll down and select upcoming and past appointments. 

You will see details of any upcoming referrals and appointments. 

To see the details and reply to any actions click on the green box next to the referral or appointment. 

If you need help visit

How to switch profiles on the NHS App

Read the how to switch profiles on the NHS App video transcript

You can help to look after a family member or someone else you care for by switching to their profile on the NHS app. 

You will need to ask your GP to give you access to do this. 

Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and select switch profile. 

Once your GP has set you up with a link profile you will see it here and you will see what services you can use for this person such as order repeat prescriptions for them.

Once you are ready to return to your own profile select switch back to your profile in the yellow banner at the top. 

If you need help visit

The NHS App and NHS Account resources for libraries

Watch the using the NHS account walk through videos

Last edited: 15 October 2024 10:28 am