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NHS account on the NHS website walk through videos

Video guidance showing how to use the NHS account on the NHS website step by step. These videos show you how to navigate the NHS account on the NHS website and use its services. 

Each video has a voice over and captions on screen.

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Log in to your NHS account

Read the log in to your NHS account video transcript

Log in to you NHS account

Once you have registered for your NHS Account you can login on your computer.

Select My account on the NHS website.

Select continue.

Enter your email address and press continue.

Enter your NHS login password and press continue.

You will receive a text message with a 6 digit code on your mobile phone enter the code here.

If you are using your personal device you can tick this box to skip entering a security code every time you log in.

Select continue.

You are now logged in to your account.

When you have finished using your NHS account select logout at the top of the screen to logout.

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The NHS account homepage

Read the the NHS account homepage video transcript

When you log in to your NHS account, the first page you will see is the home page links to the main areas of your NHS account.

At the top of the home screen, you can start using the health services in the services section.

The Your Health section contains your personal health information. You could read messages from your health service in the messages section, and you can always select home to return to the home page.

You can use the sections at the top of the screen to read your health information. Manage your account and settings and log out on the home page.

You can see your name and NHS number under the heading services. There are links to popular features. You can request a repeat prescription and check if you need urgent medical help using 111 online.

Select view or to see all of the options on the services page in your health.

You can see your GP health record, view and manage prescriptions and check for any upcoming appointments.

Select View All to see all of the options on your health page.

You can read your messages and manage health services for another person if you have permission.

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Your health page in the NHS account

Read the your health page in the NHS account video transcript

Select your health to see information about your personal health.

This is for Your health page.

The services offered here depends on the access given by your GP surgery.

You can see your GP health record, see and manage your prescriptions, including any prescriptions you have already ordered.


You can manage your upcoming appointments and see past appointments.

This includes both your GP surgery and hospital appointments.

You can see your Covid 19 vaccine record.

Select your health choices make a decision about organ donation.

Choose whether data from your health record is shared for research, and choose to take part in health research.

Depending on the services offered by your GP surgery, you may be able to see any health care plans you have in place with your health team and how you would like to be cared for.

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Services page in the NHS account

Read the services page in the NHS account video transcript

On the services page of your NHS account, you can see all of the health services available to you

The services offered here depends on the access given by your GP surgery.

On the services page you can request repeat prescriptions.

You may be able to contact your GP about a health problem or contact your GP surgery for a document or update, such as a doctor’s letter.

You may be able check for GP appointments available at your surgery.

Under the heading Other NHS services.

You can check if you need urgent medical help using 111 online.

Request an emergency repeat prescription using 111 online and find services near you, such as how to register with a new GP surgery.

In Find health information you can look up trusted NHS health information, about health conditions and treatments, and look up information about NHS medicines and find information about COVID-19.

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Request a repeat prescription in the NHS account

Read the request a repeat prescription in the NHS account video transcript

Using your NHS account, you can order a repeat prescription from your GP. Select request repeat prescriptions. Confirm this is the pharmacy you want to collect your medicines from.

Select change to change your nominated pharmacy.

Select. Continue to confirm this is your pharmacy. Select the medicines you need to request. You can add notes about your prescription for your GP surgery. Your GP may not see these notes, so if you have anything urgent to say, you need to contact the GP directly. When you are ready. Select continue. Check all the medicines you have requested are here.

Select edit if you need to add any medicines. Confirm the pharmacy and notes are correct.

Select request prescription.

You will see that you have successfully requested your repeat prescription.

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View your prescription barcode in the NHS account

Read the view your prescription barcode in the NHS account video transcript

If you do not have a nominated pharmacy to collect your medicines from, you can use the prescription barcode in your NHS account to collect your prescription from any pharmacy.

Select View and manage prescriptions on the homepage.

Select Your approved prescriptions.

You will see a list of all of the prescriptions your GP has approved.

Select the prescription you want to collect.

Your prescription barcode will be displayed on the screen.

You can take this to any pharmacy to show it to your pharmacist to collect your prescription.

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See your GP Health record in the NHS account

Read the see your GP health record in the NHS account video transcript

Using your NHS account you can see your GP health record. Select Your health to see your GP health record.

You will see some of your personal information or if you have permission, the details of someone you care for.

Below this you will see your health records separated under different headings.

Select one of these headings to see more information held in that section.

You can see detailed information about your health record.

Specific medical information or notes from your GP.

The information within each section should be a record of your health care, dating back to the first time you started receiving health care.

You can also see and download documents such as letters or imaging results.

Not everyone will be able to see all of these categories.

It is at the discretion of your GP as to how much of your record you're allowed to see in your NHS account.

You can speak to your GP if you want to know more about what you can see in your health record.

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Contact your GP surgery about a document or letter in the NHS account

Read the contact your GP surgery about a document or letter in the NHS account video transcript

Using your NHS account you can get help with any documents you may need from your GP, such as doctor's letters or sick fit notes.

To do this, select services on the home page, select contact your GP for a document or update.

You'll need to confirm that your query is not urgent. Select the help option required from the list shown.

For example, request a fit sick note.

Fill in a short questionnaire about your condition.

Select who the Sick Fit note is for and provide your details to help your surgery do this for you.


Once you're happy, submit your request and your GP will contact you.

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Contact your GP surgery about a health problem in the NHS account

Read the contact your GP surgery about a health problem in the NHS account video transcript

Using your NHS account, you can contact your GP about a health problem.

Select services.

Select contact your GP about a health problem.

You will need to confirm that your query is not urgent.

You will be shown a questionnaire. Fill out the information for your GP and attach photos to help your GP provide the right care for you, select who the help is for.

Provide your details.

Check and submit your request.

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Check if you need urgent medical help using 111 online in the NHS account

Read the check if you need urgent medical help using 111 online in the NHS account video transcript

You can use 111 online to check if you need urgent medical help.

Log in to your NHS account.

Select check if you need urgent medical help using 111 online, you will see a warning message to explain whether you should call 999.

Read this and select. I have none of these to confirm it is not an emergency.

Once you are safe to continue, you will need to add your postcode, your age, your sex at birth.

Then search for and select the topic you need medical help with.

The questions you are asked will change based on your answers. To make sure that you are given the best possible advice.

Once finished, you will be given a recommendation on what to do next.

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Manage your hospital appointments in the NHS account

Read the manage your hospital appointments in the NHS account video transcript

Using your NHS account so you can see your upcoming post, hospital appointments, referrals and any waiting lists you are on.

Select upcoming and past appointments.

Select referrals to see and manage your referrals.

This will show you all of your current referrals if they are in review, or if you need to take an action on them.

You can select a specific referral to see more information about it.

Select hospital appointments to see any upcoming appointments.

You will see if you need to read a document or complete a questionnaire before the appointment.

You can select a specific appointment to see more information about it.

You can see your past appointments at the bottom of the screen.

The most recent one will be shown first.

Select waiting lists to see any waiting lists you are currently on, and some details about each one.

This may include the average waiting time for treatment in weeks.

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Manage health services for someone else in the NHS account

Read the manage health services for someone else in the NHS account video transcript

Using your NHS account, you can add the NHS account of someone you care for.

You both need to be registered at the same GP surgery to be able to do this.

You need to make an application at your GP surgery explaining why you need to add them to your account.

If you have permission select Manage Services for others.

You will find the names of people you can act on behalf of here.

Select the name of the person you would like to care for to start acting on their behalf.

You will see some information about what you can do for the other person.

Switch to their profile to act on their behalf.

You are now acting for the other person.

You can select services to use services for them.

You may be able to request repeat prescriptions and check for GP appointments.

Select Your health to access their records and help them make choices about any decisions they need to make.

To return to your account ‘Select switch back to your profile’ using the banner at the top of the page.

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NHS App video guidance

These videos show you how to use the NHS App step by step and use its services.

Last edited: 17 October 2024 3:17 pm