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Current chapter – The parental feedback process

The parental feedback process

Parental feedback allows local authorities to produce individual letters to parents of every child measured, advising parents of their child’s measurements and offering useful advice, including information about local services and contact numbers.

The feedback process consists of four stages

1. (Optional) apply filters to the pupil grid, to show only the pupils that meet specific criteria for example all pupils in Year 6 who have been measured.

2. Identify and resolve warnings.

3. Generate and export a CSV file containing pupil data.

4. Use Microsoft word to mail merge the exported NCMP child data with a letter template. The templates could either be those recommended by Public Health England or templates approved by your own LA.

Apply filters

You may want to send letters to parents whose children meet specific criteria for example., all Year 6 pupils who have been measured and categorised as healthy. To extract this data, you must apply a filter to the pupil grid.

1. From  the NCMP Public Home page, click the schools tab at the top of the page.

2. Click the pupil grid link for the school you want to extract data from. 

NCMP screenshot schools screen

3. You can select criteria to apply to the pupil data, on the fields shown below.

a. Year Reception (R) or Year 6 (6)
b. Gender Male of female
c. Ethnicity Select ethnicity code
d. BMI category Underweight, healthy weight, overweight or very overweight 
e. Measured Measured or not measured
f. Feedback generated Generated or not generated 
g. Non measure reason  Absent, opt out, patient opt out, unable to stand on scales, no longer at school, awaiting consent or other.  


4. Once you have selected the criteria, click the filter button. 

Identify and resolve warnings

Data warnings are intended to bring missing data or abnormal measurement values that are not within expected ranges to your attention. Warnings are highlighted with an amber coloured border and a warning symbol is placed next to each records that requires attention. 

NCMP data warnings screen

It may be that measured values are outside expected ranges, in which case you are given the option to suppress a specific warning for a specific value. Once suppressed, the warning will not appear again.

The data that needs to be corrected or supressed could be on any of the 5 following data tabs

  • child identifiers
  • address details
  • measurement
  • pupil notes
  • parent contact details 

A record will be highlighted with a warning if

  • a child's postcode is blank
  • a child's postcode is the same as the school's postcode
  • a child's height, weight or BMI is outside the expected rang

Example of data warnings

NCMP post code is blank data warning image

NCMP data warning saying the post code is blank. 

NCMP postcode is the same as school

NCMP data warning saying the postcode is the same as school. 

NCMP data warning sign saying the height is outside the normal range

NCMP data warning sign saying the height is outside the normal range.

NCMP data warning saying the BMI is outside the normal range.

NCMP data warning saying the BMI is outside the normal range. 

Generate and export a CSV File for letter generation

Once all warnings have been resolved, the required data is ready to be downloaded to your local network.

1. In the schools page, click the pupil grid link for the school you want to extract data from,

2. The pupil for the selected school is shown.

3. After applying any filters, from the pupil grid, click the letter generation link under the export records heading.

NCMP school screen with letter generation highlihgted.

4. If there are warnings on any pupil records selected for letter generation, a list of pupils and their associated data warnings will be displayed. Depending on the number of warnings, this may only be a partial list.

NCMP pupil data is incomplete screen.

You will not be able to download any pupil data if any warnings are present within the selected data.  

5. Depending on your security settings, you may see a security warning at the top of the browser. Click the link Click for options, then click download file.  

NCMP portal screen with download files highlighted

6. If there are no warnings, security or otherwise, you will see this dialog box is shown when the letter generation link is clicked.

NCMP file download pop up box

7. Click save. 

8. Navigate to the folder where you want to save download file to.

9. We recommend changing the filename to reflect the downloaded data set depending on the filters you applied (if any). 

For example, if you applied a filter of healthy’ on the BMI category field for Appletree Gardens First School, you may want to save the file with the name of PupilDataHealthyAppletree.csv.

10. Click save. 

11. The downloaded file will be saved in the specified folder and each record included within the file will be flagged as having parental feedback generated with a mail symbol. 

NCMP pupil download file screen

13. To view the downloaded data, either

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the downloaded file. Double click the file to open.

Or open Microsoft Excel. Click the File tab & select Open. Then, navigate and change the File type to  Text File.   Select the downloaded file and click open.  

The download file contains the following fields which will be used during the mail merge. 

Field name Description
FirstName Child's first name 
LastName Child's second name
NHSNumber Child's NHS Number
DateofBirth Child's date of birth
DateofMeasurement Date when measurement occurred
Height Height measurement (in centre metres cms)
Weight Weight measurement in Kg
PScore Percentile score
ClinicalBMICategory BMI category
LA Local authority 
Address1 Child's address line 1 
Address2 Child's address line 2 
Address3 Child's address line 3
Address4 Child's address line 4
Address5 Child's address line 5
Postcode Child's postcode
Parentemail Parent's email address
PatientTelephone Parent/guardian phone number
SchoolUrn 6 digit unique school number
SchoolName School name
Sex Male or female 


The file should look similar to these images. 

Image of excel spreadsheet


Last edited: 19 October 2023 1:59 pm