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Current chapter – Performing a Mail Merge with Microsoft Word

The Mail Merge feature in Microsoft Word enables you to create parental feedback letters in a group by combining a standard template letter with the exported child data file. This means that each parent receives the same basic letter but each letter is personalised with their child’s measurement results. 

The process of creating feedback letters to parents requires a mail merge between the downloaded NCMP child data file and a letter template. 

Feedback letter generation methods to generate feedback letters

1. To generate and export a single CSV file from the NCMP IT system, containing data of all pupils in all BMI categories in the selected school(s). 

You can then perform a single mail merge with a Microsoft Word template we have provided. This mail merge template automatically adapts the text in the body of the feedback letter according to each child’s BMI Category. 

The four different letter templates are

  • underweight
  • healthy weight
  • overweight
  • and very overweight)

The benefits of using this method are 

  • a single mail merge covering all BMI categories to simplify the process 
  • it minimises the risk of parents receiving inaccurate feedback letters

2. Alternatively your Local Authority (LA) may have developed its own feedback templates. Or you may choose to amend the NHS England template.  

If you chose this method please ensure you merge the correct BMI category CSV file with the correct word file.  

NHS England feedback letter templates

The NHS England recommended feedback letter template is available on the main website (its called NEW NCMP results letter template.doc) 

A test pupil data CSV file (example pupil feedback CSV file) is also available to download. This file should be used to set up the feedback letter templates to reflect your local settings before performing a mail merge. 

Save both of these files to a folder on your network.  

You can save and download these template


For details of the individual BMI category templates, please see Public Health England’s Operational Guidance homepage. The individual templates can be opened directly in Word.

If you are using an earlier version of MS word and are unable to open the feedback letter templates, you need to install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack

Setting up the feedback letter template

Before the template can be used in a live mail merge it must be set up for use within your LA.

1. Open the feedback template (for example NCMP results letter template.docx) in Microsoft Word. 

NCMP draft letter

The letter consists of:  

  • Static text This text does not change
  • Mail merge fields  Microsoft Word replaces these merge fields with the data from the child data CSV file. These fields (First Name, Last Name etc.) are shown encapsulated within chevrons (<< >>) usually with a grey highlight
  • Conditional text Specific paragraphs are designed to be included in the feedback letter depending on the child’s BMI category. For example, the text included in a letter for a child in the Very overweight category to provide sources of helpful information, is not included in a feedback letter for a child in the Healthy weight category. Also, usually shown with a grey highlight
  • LA specific text  this text has been formatted with a yellow highlight and is specific to each LA so requires modifying. It includes your LA’s contact details (address, telephone No.,) and other LA specific information


Some LA specific text is embedded within paragraphs of conditional text. This LA specific text cannot be edited directly. The conditional text code will required to be edited.

Editing local authority specific information in static text

You will need to customise 3 sections of static text in the template for your local authority. They are

1. Sender name, organisation address, postcode, sender phone number and email address. Modify these items, highlighted in yellow, so that they provide the relevant information for your LA. You will need to remove the yellow highlight text by 

2. Selecting the text to remove the highlight from

3. Select the home tab on the ribbon, and click text highlight colour.

4. Click no colour. 

You should take care not to change the layout or the position of the parent/ carer address on the left.

5. In the paragraph beginning ‘This information has not been shared with’, modify the text to reflect which organisation holds the measurement information (local NHS or local authority public health team), removing the yellow highlight.

6. Modify the sender name

Editing local authority text embedded within conditional text

1. Link your downloaded child data CSV file to the template.  To link your child data CSV data file (generated by the NCMP IT system) to the set up letter template instead of the test child data file

2. In the letter template, click the Mailings tab on the Microsoft Word ribbon.

3. Click the Select Recipients command on the Mailings ribbon then select Use Existing List from the dropdown menu.

4. In the select data source dialog box

5. Navigate to the download pupil data

6. Click the file to select it.

7. Click open. 

8. To View the data in the template, on the Mailings tab

9. Click the Preview Results command. This will substitute the field names in the template, with the actual data.

10. Use the navigation buttons on the ribbon to scroll through the records.  

To mail merge directly to a printer

From the Mailings tab of the Ribbon, click the Finish and Merge command.

Select Print Documents from the drop down menu.

3. Select which letters you want to print choosing from 

  • all feedback letters
  • just the current record displayed on the screen
  • a range of records by entering start and end record ID

Before you send any letters please make sure all the letters are correct. You may want to manually check a sample of the letters you have produced to make sure you are happy with the mail merge process.  

4. Click ok.

5. Select the printer you want to use to print the letters. 

6. Click ok.

7. The letters will begin printing. 

If you print the document using the print icon on the quick access toolbar, print from file or Ctrl + P only the current record on view will be sent to the printer.  

To mail merge to a new word document

1. From the Mailings tab of the Ribbon, click the Finish and Merge command.

2. Select Edit Individual documents from the drop down menu.

3. Select to print

  • all feedback letters
  • just the current record displayed
  • a range of records by entering start and end record ID

4. Click ok 

5. Select the printer you want to use to print the letters. 

6. Click ok.

7. A new multi-page document opens containing all the parent feedback letters.

8. If you need to add in any specific comments to any of the letters. You can locate the letter and add in the extra wording. 

Last edited: 19 October 2023 2:07 pm