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Dummy appointments in the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS)

Review the information on this page to understand the impact on patients and the recommended provider options for 'dummy' appointments.


To allow patients to book their first hospital appointment via the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) patient portal or via the NHS App providers must first link their hospital’s Patient Administration System (PAS) clinics and synchronise appointment slots so they are visible within e-RS. When an appointment is booked via e-RS, information including  the patient’s NHS number allows the patient and their referral to be registered on the PAS.   

The term ‘dummy slot’ is used when an appointment slot is not a real appointment but is used for ‘administrative purposes’. The NHS e-RS cannot determine if an appointment slot is ‘real’ or if it is a ‘dummy slot’.  

Patient confusion

Where ‘dummy slots’ are being used they cause confusion and frustration for patients.  More patients are choosing their healthcare provider using digital tools, including managing their referral and first appointment via the Manage Your Referral website and via the NHS App.

Where a patient has different choices from which to select, service names which includes terms “DO NOT ATTEND”, “NOT FOR PATIENT ATTENDANCE” or “ADMIN APPOINTMENT ONLY” are confusing for patients. Even where further information is added to the booking instructions, patients still find this very confusing when shown adjacent to an appointment date and time.

Last edited: 6 June 2023 4:04 pm