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Publication, Part of

Primary Care Network Workforce, 30 September 2021

Current Chapter

Background, Data Sources and Publication Content

NHS geography updates

There have been changes to the NHS England and Improvement regional structure since this release. From 1st July 2022, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) were established as statutory bodies replacing CCGs and STPs. From the Primary Care Network Workforce, 30 June 2022 publication, data is instead aggregated to Sub-ICB Location, and ICB level. These geography updates also involved boundary changes, with some Primary Care Networks (PCNs) moving to different Sub-ICB Locations and ICBs than they would previously have been situated.

In order to have a consistent and comparable time series at regional level, Individual-level CSVs for all periods back to March 2020 were reproduced as part of the 30 June 2022 release, with PCNs and Sub-ICB Locations remapped to reflect this latest structure. National totals are unaffected by this remapping but some figures at Sub-ICB (previously CCG) and ICB (previously STP) levels may differ to those previously published.

The regional bulletin tables 2a and 2b and the Individual-level CSV presented here reflect the old structure. Therefore, users are encouraged to use the remapped CSV files released with the 30 June 2022 publication for historical regional primary care network workforce figures. 

1 July 2022 00:00 AM

Background, Data Sources and Publication Content

An overview of Primary Care Networks and the background for this data collection and publication can be found in the Background section of the first publication, which was for data collected at the end of March 2020.

Information is also available about how the data for this publication series is collected and can be found under the Data Sources section of the same March 2020 publication.

Publication content

Accompanying this publication are the following additional files and tools to enable further analysis:

Excel Bulletin Tables

England-level figures, September 2021:

  • FTE by job role and staff group (including FTE from contracted services), England
  • Headcount by job role (not including contracted services), England
  • FTE by job role for contracted services, England
  • FTE by job role in each NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) Region, Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) or Integrated care system (ICS), Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Primary Care Network (PCN) (including FTE from contracted services)
  • Headcount by job role NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) Region, Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) or Integrated care system (ICS), Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Primary Care Network (PCN)  (not including contracted services)



These publications include a zipped file containing an Individual-level CSV and associated guidance.

The Individual-level CSV is comprised of a row for each role in the Primary Care Network workforce, with a pseudonymised ID number - labelled UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER - assigned to each individual. If an individual is working multiple roles in the Primary Care Network workforce, the same UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER will appear for each role they are working. This means that, by counting distinct instances of UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER within various groups, accurate headcounts within those groups can be calculated. The UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER numbers are reassigned for each publication and so cannot be used to track individuals over time across different publications.

For contracted services records, the UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER has been left blank. This is because contracted services data captures no personal information about the staff fulfilling the contracted responsibilities, only the total hours of work provided, and therefore only full-time equivalent information is available for these roles. For this reason, these rows should not be included in any headcount calculations and there is no inferable relationship between the FTE and Headcount figures in this publication.

The Individual-level CSV includes information about the CCG each individual works within and provides the same information available in tables 2a and 2b of the bulletin tables, in an open data format but at individual level rather than aggregated for each PCN.

Last edited: 18 October 2023 11:54 am