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Publication, Part of

Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity 2019-20

National statistics

National Statistics

Summary Report - Admissions

FAEs by admission method, 2009-10 to 2019-20

In this chart FAEs have been indexed to 2009-10 levels, showing relative growth rates of emergency and elective admissions.

Emergency admissions (patients admitted as an emergency via A&E or by other means) have the largest proportional increase over the ten year period. 

Elective and emergency admissions by month, 2019-20

This monthly breakdown shows that elective (812,534 elective admissions) and emergency admissions (574,046 emergency admissions) both peaked in October.
Likewise March saw the lowest figures for both elective (579,990 elective admissions) and emergency admissions (445,419 emergency admissions) possibly due to impact of the pandemic on hospital services.

Admission method by IMD decile, 2019-20

We can see in this chart that emergency admissions were more common in the more deprived decile groups  compared with in the less deprived groups.

Within the most deprived 10% decile group there was an even distribution of elective and emergency methods. In contrast, the proportion of emergency admission drops to 37.1 per cent in the least deprived 10% decile group.

Elective wait by commissioning region, 2019-20

The mean waiting time for an elective admission was 60 days; this is a day shorter than the mean waiting time the previous year.

An average of 98 per cent of admissions had a wait of under 9 months across all regions.

Last edited: 18 November 2020 2:17 pm