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Publication, Part of

Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity 2019-20

National statistics

National Statistics

Information in this publication

Summary Report

This is a high-level summary report of NHS Admitted Patient Care activity and performance of hospitals in England, during 2019-20 and as a comparison over time.

The summary report contains the following tables, charts or graphics:

- Number of FCEs and FAEs by year, 1998-99 to 2019-20.

- Number of FCEs by patient age and sex, 2019-20.

- Indexed change in the number of FAEs by admission method, 2009-10 to 2019-20.

- Elective and emergency admissions, by month, 2019-20.

- Rates of admission per 100,000 population by ethnic group, 2019-20.

- Rates of admission per 100,000 population by IMD decile, 2019-20.

- Admission method by IMD decile, 2019-20.

- Day cases and ordinary episodes, 2010-11 to 2019-20.

- Top 10 primary diagnoses, by region, 2019-20.

- Top 10 main procedures by region, 2019-20.

- Elective wait, by region, 2019-20.

The summary report contains the following tables, charts or graphics for Adult Critical Care (ACC):

- Critical Care records by year, 2011-12 to 2019-20.

- Critical Care records by region, 2019-20.

- Critical Care records by age and sex, 2019-20.

- Critical Care records by start and discharge day, 2019-20.

- Average length of stay by start day, 2019-20.

- Average length of stay by discharge day, 2019-20.

- Length of stay by critical care support type, 2019-20.

Published Tables

This publication includes detailed tables at a national level, with further breakdowns included in each table.

The tables include:

- CCG of responsibility.

- Diagnosis.

- External Causes.

- Hospital Providers.

- Main Specialty.

- Procedures and Interventions.

- Treatment Specialty.

- Time Series.

- Provider-level Analysis.

- Adult Critical Care (ACC).

- Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).

- Ethnicity.


The table descriptions that accompany this publication are given in the document entitled ‘Hospital Admitted Patient Care Activity, 2019-20: Metadata’; this includes descriptions of the tables included in the report, as well as providing useful links to other relevant web pages and documents.

Last edited: 18 November 2020 2:17 pm