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Publication, Part of

GP Earnings and Expenses Estimates 2017/18

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GP Earnings and Expenses Estimates 2017/18


GP Earnings and Expenses Estimates 2017/18 presents earnings and expenses information for full and part-time GPs working in the UK as either a contractor or salaried GP during the 2017/18 financial year.

The findings in this report are based upon anonymised tax data from HM Revenue and Customs' Self Assessment tax records and cover both NHS/Health Service and private income.

Earnings and expenses information is published for contractor, salaried and combined (contractor and salaried) GPs at UK level and by the separate countries, with a regional breakdown where available. Figures are also given by contract type for GPs working under a General Medical Services (GMS) or a Primary Medical Services (PMS) contract as well as combined (GPMS).

The report is primarily used as evidence in remuneration negotiations and by the Review Body for Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration. It has been agreed by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), which is chaired by NHS Digital and has representation from the four UK Health Departments, NHS Employers, NHS England and NHS Improvement and, representing the interests of GPs, the British Medical Association.

This release also includes results of analysis of earnings and expenses of GPs in England, by weekly working hours and gender, with additional breakdowns by age band also presented in the accompanying Excel annex, available to download from this page under 'Resources'.

Combined GPs (contractor and salaried)


Average income before tax for GPs in either a General Medical Services or a Primary Medical Services practice (GPMS) in the UK

Contractor GPs


Average income before tax of GPs working in GPMS practices - an increase of 3.5 per cent since 2016/17.  When split by contract type the average income before tax was:

* £107,500 for GPs working under a General Medical Services contract (GMS) - an increase of 3.6 per cent.

* £114,900 for GPs working under a Primary Medical Services (PMS) contract, an increase of 3 percent. 

Salaried GPs


Average taxable income for GPMS salaried GPs, an increase since 2016/17 of 2.9 per cent.

Last edited: 22 August 2023 10:59 am