Technical Steering Committee (TSC)
These reports are produced by the Technical Steering Committee, which looks at technical aspects of GP contracts and produces a series of reports for negotiators. It includes representatives from the four UK health departments, NHS Employers, the BMA and NHS Digital.
For archived versions of these documents please visit the Technical Steering Committee Archive page.
Calculations for a new dispensing feescale can be found under the Latest Version in the publication series here:
Seniority payments
Calculations to determine the level of seniority payment that individual GPs are entitled to each year.
Final seniority factors
The current Final Seniority Factors can be found under the Latest Version in the publication series here:
Final Seniority Factors publication series
Interim seniority factors
The current Interim Seniority Factors can be found under the Latest Version in the publication series here:
General Practice Trends in the UK
NHS Digital no longer maintains the General Practice Trends in the UK publication. See the General Practice Trends in the UK page for more information.
Other reports of interest
The report below is not produced by NHS Digital but may be of interest to readers of TSC reports:
Final Report of the Eighth National GP Worklife Survey.
Further information
The following archived reports are produced by the Technical Steering Committee, which looks at technical aspects of GP contracts and produces a series of reports for negotiators. It includes representatives from the four UK health departments, NHS Employers, the BMA and NHS Digital.
Last edited: 9 June 2022 4:09 pm