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National Child Measurement Programme, England 2018/19 School Year [NS]

Official statistics, National statistics, Accredited official statistics

Accredited official statistics logo.



In general, obesity prevalence was highest in London, West Midlands and North East.

It was lowest in the South West, South East and East of England.

London had the highest prevalence of underweight children at 1.6% in reception and 1.7% in year 6 (not shown on chart).



Local authority

Obesity prevalence varied by local authority.

For reception this ranged from 5.4% in Richmond upon Thames to 14.2% in Knowsley.


In year 6 the range was from 10.7% in Richmond upon Thames, to 29.6% in Barking and Dagenham.

Note the maps cannot be compared with each other due to the different ranges used.

For more information: Table 3b (region and local authority based on postcode of the child), National Child Measurement Programme: England, 2018/19 school year.




Obesity prevalence in urban areas was highest in both age groups: 10.0% in reception and 21.1% in year 6.


Underweight prevalence was also highest in urban areas.


For more information: Table 5a, National Child Measurement Programme: England, 2018/19 school year.



ONS Area Classification

Obesity prevalence was highest in disadvantaged urban communities for children in reception and multicultural city life areas for children in year 6.

Obesity was least prevalent in urban fringe areas for both age groups.


For more information: Table 7a (based on postcode of the child), National Child Measurement Programme, England, 2018/19 school year.

ONS Area classifications use census data to identify areas of the country with similar characteristics. For further details see:

Last edited: 23 June 2021 5:21 pm