Publication, Part of National Child Measurement Programme
National Child Measurement Programme, England 2018/19 School Year [NS]
Official statistics, National statistics, Accredited official statistics
Deprivation - Reception
There is a strong relationship between deprivation and obesity.
Obesity prevalence was over twice as high for children living in the most deprived areas (13.3%) than for children living in the least deprived areas (5.9%).
Severe obesity prevalence was almost four times as high for children living in the most deprived areas (3.9%) than for children living in the least deprived areas (1.0%).
In general underweight prevalence decreases as deprivation decreases (not shown on chart).
Deprivation - Year 6
Obesity prevalence was over twice as high for children living in the most deprived areas (26.9%) than for children living the least deprived areas (11.4%).
Severe obesity prevalence was over four times as high for children living in the most deprived areas (7.1% and 1.5% respectively).
Combined overweight and obesity prevalence ranged from 41.5% for children living in the most deprived areas to 24.1% for children living in the least deprived areas (not shown on chart).
For more information: Table 6a (deprivation based on postcode of the child), National Child Measurement Programme, England, 2018/19 school year.
Deprivation gap for obesity – Reception
Between 2006/07 and 2018/19 the gap between obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the most and least deprived areas increased by 2.1 percentage points due to obesity prevalence increasing in the most deprived areas and reducing in the least deprived.
Note: Deprivation is based on postcode of the school in the following time series charts as postcode of the child was of poor quality in the early years of the NCMP.
Obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the least deprived areas reduced for both boys and girls. For children attending schools in the most deprived areas obesity prevalence remained similar for boys but increased for girls.
Overall though, the increase in the gap over time was similar for boys and girls.
Deprivation gap for obesity – Year 6
Between 2006/07 and 2018/19 the gap between obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the most and least deprived areas increased by 5.4 percentage points due to obesity prevalence increasing in the most deprived areas and remaining similar in the least deprived.
Obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the least deprived areas remained similar for both boys and girls. For children attending schools in the most deprived areas obesity prevalence increased more for boys than girls.
Overall therefore, the gap has increased more for boys than girls.
For more information: Table 6c (deprivation based on postcode of the school), National Child Measurement Programme, England, 2018/19 school year.
Deprivation gap for severe obesity – Reception
The gap between severe obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the most and least deprived areas increased by 0.5 percentage points due to prevalence remaining similar in the most deprived areas and reducing in the least deprived.
Severe obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the least deprived areas remained similar for boys but reduced for girls. For children attending schools in the most deprived areas severe obesity prevalence remained similar for boys but increased for girls.
Overall though, the increase in the gap over time was similar for boys and girls.
Deprivation gap for severe obesity – Year 6
The gap between severe obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the most and least deprived areas increased by 2.1 percentage points due to prevalence increasing in the most deprived areas and remaining similar in the least deprived.
Severe obesity prevalence for children attending schools in the least deprived areas remained similar for both boys and girls. For children attending schools in the most deprived areas severe obesity prevalence increased more for boys than girls.
Overall therefore, the gap has increased more for boys than girls.
For more information: Table 6d (deprivation based on postcode of the school), National Child Measurement Programme, England, 2018/19 school year.
Last edited: 23 June 2021 5:21 pm