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Publication, Part of

Hospital Outpatient Activity 2019-20

National statistics

National Statistics

Current Chapter

Summary report - outpatient activity by index of multiple deprivation and ethnicity

Summary report - outpatient activity by index of multiple deprivation and ethnicity

The IMD decile with the highest first attendance rate in 2019-20 was ‘more deprived 10-20%’ with just under 56,300 first attendances per 100,000 people. This marks a change from 2018-19 when the highest first attendance rate was in the 'most deprived 10%'.

The ‘more deprived 30-40%’ group had the lowest rate with just over 53,000 first attendances per 100,000 people.

The IMD decile with the highest attendance rate (all attendances) in 2019-20 was ‘least deprived 10%' with just under 175,800 total attendances per 100,000 people. The ‘more deprived 30-40%’ group had the lowest rate with just under 162,900 total attendances per 100,000 people.

The ‘more deprived 10-20%’ group had the highest volume of 1st attendances (3.2 million) and the highest volume of all attendances (9.7 million).

Summary report 10: Rate of 1st attendance per 100,000 population by IMD decile, 2019-20

Summary - rate of 1st attendance by ethnicity (grouped) for every 100,000 population and proportion of 1st attendances against all attendances, 2019-20

Just under one-third (32.2 percent) of attendances were first attendances (31.0 million) for all ethnic groups, including where ethnicity was unknown.

The ‘Other’ ethnic group recorded both the highest rate of 1st attendances (34.2 per cent) as a proportion of  all attended appointments within the ethnic group (2.0 million total attended appointments) and the highest rate of 1st attendances by population with just over 107,000 for every 100,000 people.

Summary report 11: Rate of 1st attendance by ethnicity (grouped) for every 100,000 population and proportion of 1st attendances against all attendances, 2019-20

Summary - rate of did not attends (DNAs) by ethnicity (grouped) for every 100,000 per population, 2019-20

The ‘Black’ ethnic group recorded the highest proportion of did not attends (10.4 per cent) against all appointments within the ethnic group (4.0 million).

‘Other’ ethnic group recorded the highest rate of did not attends by population with just under 35,800 for every 100,000 people.

Summary report 12: Rate of did not attends (DNAs) by ethnicity (grouped) for every 100,000 per population, 2019-20

Last edited: 13 January 2022 10:52 am