Publication, Part of General Practice Workforce
General Practice Workforce, 31 March 2022
Official statistics
NHS geography updates
There have been changes to the NHS England and Improvement regional structure since this release. From 1st July 2022, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) were established as statutory bodies replacing CCGs and STPs. From the General Practice Workforce, 31 July 2022 publication, data is instead aggregated to Sub-ICB Location, and ICB level. These geography updates also involved boundary changes, with some practices moving to different Sub-ICB Locations and ICBs than they would previously have been situated.
In order to have a consistent and comparable time series at regional level, all Individual and Practice-level CSVs were reproduced as part of the 31 July 2022 release, with practices and Sub-ICB Locations remapped to reflect this latest structure. National totals are unaffected by this remapping but some figures at Sub-ICB (previously CCG) and ICB (previously STP) levels may differ to those previously published.
The regional bulletin tables 6a, 6b, 7 and Annex C, and the Practice and Individual-level CSVs presented here reflect the old structure. Therefore, users are encouraged to use the remapped CSV files released with the 31 July 2022 publication for historical regional general practice workforce figures. The time series table Annex C in the 31 July 2022 bulletin file has also been remapped.
1 July 2022 00:00 AM
Corrections to percentages of each group of fully qualified female and male GPs joining or leaving during December 2020 to December 2021
The GP Joiners and Leavers Excel tables file was replaced on 30 May 2023 to amend incorrect figures in Table 2b. A formatting error meant the Percentages of each group Joining or Leaving within the time period for females and males were incorrect for both joiners and leavers for December 2020 - December 2021. These errors have been corrected in the replacement file. The all genders figures were unaffected.
Labelling errors in column A of Tables 2a and 2b have also been corrected, by removing the word 'Permanent' to now correctly refer to the applicable group of GPs as Fully Qualified GPs (excludes GPs in Training Grades).
30 May 2023 00:00 AM
Author, Copyright and Licensing
Author: Primary Care Workforce Team, NHS Digital
Responsible Statistician: Ben Pace
Contact: [email protected]
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Published by NHS Digital, part of the Government Statistical Service
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Last edited: 30 May 2023 10:52 am