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Quick guide to submitting Children and Young People with Eating Disorders (CYP ED) Waiting Times

This guide was updated in March 2022 to reflect Version 5.0 of the dataset. Author: MHSDS Data Quality.


NHS Digital is working to establish MHSDS as the only collection method for mental health services data. Children and Young People with Eating Disorders  (CYP-ED) Waiting Times data is currently submitted to both the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) and the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS). The Children and Young People with Eating Disorders SDCS collection will close 31 March 2023 at which point MHSDS will become the official source of CYP ED data. 

The measures are 'Waiting times for incomplete pathways for an Eating Disorder' and 'Waiting times for patients started treatment for an Eating Disorder', split by urgent and routine cases. The IDs of the relevant measures calculated from MHSDS are ED85 to ED90.


Updates to the scope of the CYP Eating Disorder Access and Wait Standard are currently being reviewed and you may be aware of some of those discussions.

Until the review is complete there will be no changes to the CYP Eating Disorder Standard; providers should continue to submit data via MHSDS with a focus on addressing local data quality issues to ensure activity is accurately reported.

Any future updates to the scope of the CYP Eating Disorder Access and Wait Standard will be communicated ahead of any changes being made to data submission requirements to allow providers adequate time to make those changes. 

MHSDS data items needed for these measures

The table below lists all MHSDS fields needed by NHS Digital to compile these measures, alongside the mandatory tables and data items needed to make a submission to the MHSDS. More information can be found in the MHSDS User Guidance and Technical Output Specification.

The metrics published by NHS Digital are published every month and cover a 3 month rolling period.

CYP Eating Disorder waiting measures use SNOMED to establish when a person has entered treatment. Information to help with the implementation of SNOMED codes is available.

Data needed for recording CYP eating disorders

Table Field Notes specific to CYD-ED
MHS001MPI PersonBirthDate Used to identify people under 19
MHS101Referral ReferralRequestReceivedDate Used to ‘start the clock’
ClinRespPriorityType Only include where: 1 – Emergency, 2 – Urgent, 3 – Routine, 4 – Very Urgent
PrimReasonReferralMH Only include where: 12 – Eating Disorder
ServDischDate To remove from ‘stop the clock’ waits
MHS201CareContact CareContDate The date used in conjunction with a SNOMED code to ‘stop the clock’
AttendOrDNACode Only include where: 5 – Attended on time, 6 – Arrived late but was seen
ConsMechanismMH Only include where: 01 – Face to face, 02 – Telephone, 11 – Video consultation
MHS202CareActivity CodeProcAndProcStatus

The following SNOMED concepts will stop the clock for CYP-ED waiting times:

51484002 |Family therapy (regime/therapy)
1111811000000109 |Cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders (regime/therapy)
443730003 |Interpersonal psychotherapy (regime/therapy)
444175001 |Guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy (regime/therapy)
718023002 |Focal psychodynamic therapy (regime/therapy
984421000000104 |Focal psychodynamic therapy (regime/therapy)|*

Qualifier values in SNOMED can be used to record when a person has been offered but declined a treatment. Treatments declined will not count towards these measures. The MHSDS User Guidance provides more information on using qualifier values.

* 984421000000104 |Focal psychodynamic therapy (regime/therapy)| has been made inactive and replaced by 718023002 |Focal psychodynamic therapy (regime/therapy)| in the SNOMED terminology. Both concepts are acceptable but providers should aim to use active SNOMED content where possible.

Furthermore, the following 4 tables need to be submitted in each submission with their respective mandatory and required fields. More information can be found in the MHSDS User Guidance and Technical Output Specification.

Table Description
MHS000Header Uniquely identifies each MHSDS submission made by the provider
MHS001MPI Uniquely identifies every patient and records personal details of each patient
MHS002GP Records details of the GP of every patient
MHS101Referral Records details of referrals made for the patient


Last edited: 4 April 2023 11:05 am