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NHS numbers for health and social care organisations

NHS numbers help health and social care staff and service providers identify patients correctly and match their details to their health and care records. Everyone registered with the NHS in England, Wales and the Isle of Man has their own number.

Benefits to your organisation of using NHS numbers

General practice

For general practices, NHS numbers help to: 

NHS trusts

For NHS trusts, NHS numbers help to:

  • create and maintain a complete record for each patient
  • share patient information safely within and across organisational boundaries
  • link babies to their healthcare records for life

Social care organisations

For social care organisations, NHS numbers help to:

  • accurately identify service users
  • create a complete record, linking every instance of care across health and social care organisations
  • safely and efficiently coordinate social care with healthcare

Format of an NHS number

An NHS Number is 10 digits, separated by hyphens or spaces in a 3-3-4 format. For example, 901-234-5678 or 901 234 5678

The 10th digit of an NHS Number is the check digit. This checks that the NHS Number is valid. Find out how to validate the check digit.

We have written an open-source Java client that validates NHS Numbers (opens in a new tab). If you use this client, you should feed in the 10-digit NHS Numbers without hyphens or spaces, for example 9012345678

Personal Demographics Service (PDS) database

Authorised NHS staff with a smartcard can access the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) database - this is the national online database for NHS patient information. It's used by NHS staff to identify patients.

Software developers interested in accessing patients' personal information in the PDS database can learn more about our PDS FHIR API.


The standards for the NHS Number are set by ISB 0149: NHS Number.

Further information

internal Personal Demographics Service - FHIR API

Access patients' personal information, such as name, address, date of birth, related people, registered GP, nominated pharmacy and NHS number using the FHIR version of the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) API.

Last edited: 18 July 2024 10:26 am