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Manage health services for someone else in the NHS App

Patients can access medical services for a child, or someone else they care for (also known as linked profiles, proxy access or switching accounts). 

Parents, family members and carers can manage health services on behalf of other people in the NHS App. 

Patients can find support to manage health services for others on the NHS website.

To manage health services for some one else in the NHS App both patients must be registered at the same practice.

Even if your clinical system allows a patient to manage health services for someone registered at different practices, this will not show in the NHS App. 

Managing health services for someone else in the NHS App also can be referred to as proxy access, linked profiles or switching accounts.  

Linked profiles cannot be set up using the NHS App, but patients can access linked profiles in the app once you have set up their proxy access. 

Practices using EMIS and TPP can set up access using the standard processes in their clinical system. The patient will then be able to see the account/s of people they care for in the NHS App and in any other online services your practice uses that offers this feature.  

Depending on the level of access your give your patients, they may be able to: 

  • book an appointment for the other person 

  • request and manage their repeat prescriptions 

  • view some or all of their GP health record 

Practices should follow the existing guidelines for proxy access and identity verification provided by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).  

TPP: How to enable a patient to manage health services for someone else

SystmOne online services accounts (SystmOnline and Airmid) 

This section of the online services registration dialog allows you to grant access to online services for another patient registered at your organisation. You might, for example want to grant a father proxy access to online services for his young son. The person accessing online services for the other patient is known as the proxy user.  

Step 1: How to create a proxy account (Example: Parent/child)

1. Search for the PARENT using Quick patient search and double click 

2. Click on the Administrative tab 

3. Select Online Services from the list 

4. Click on the Allow access to another patient's account link 

5. Search for the CHILD, click on search result and then Select.  

6. Check the services you want the PARENT to be able to access on behalf of the CHILD. 

7. Select the relationship to the patient 

8. Select the basis for granting access and then Ok. 

9. Select if  to inform the patient 

10. Click Save

Step 2: How to add permissions to the linked account

1. Search for the PARENT using Find a patient and double click result. 

2. Select the Administrative tab.

3. Click on Online services.

4. Under This online user has access to the accounts and services listed below you should find an entry for the CHILD. 

5. Click Amend Service Access on the entry for the CHILD to amend access. 

6. Save the patient record 

Step 3: Record the legal basis for granting this patient proxy access to online services for the other patient

This will need to be performed separately by the GP for each account you want to link. 

The surgery can refer to the suppliers of their clinical system  TPP for more help with this process if required. 

Record the legal basis for granting this patient proxy access to online services for the other patient:  

a.    Patient consent (verbal) or Patient consent (written) – no further information is required.  
b.    Parental responsibility  – record supporting documentation, vouching information or whether supporting information has been previously recorded  
c.    Patient lacks capacity – court order – no further information is required.  
d.    Patient lacks capacity – power of attorney  – no further information is required.  
e.    Patient lacks capacity – patient's best interests  – record which staff member has authorised this. The staff member must have a clear appreciation and understanding of  the facts, implications and future consequences in line with the Mental Capacity Act, before agreeing this access.  

Click Ok to return to the Online Services view in the patient record.  

Save the patient record. 

You will need to inform the proxy user that they will need to change their password when they first log on.  

Refer to the suppliers of your clinical system, TPP, for more help with this process if required. 

This will need to be performed separately by the GP for each account you want to link. 

For more help, contact TPP, the suppliers of your clinical system.

EMIS: How to enable a patient to manage health services for someone else

To grant proxy access to online services for another patient follow the steps below: 

Step 1 - How to create a proxy account (Example: Parent/child) in EMIS

1. Search for the CHILD using Find a patient and double click result. 

2.  Select EMIS >registration.  

3.  Select  Online services tab 

4. Select Add online user... then Add proxy user from the dropdown. 

5. On the Select an online user screen, search for the PARENT. The PARENT should appear in the Online user search results - that confirms that an online account already exists for the PARENT.  Select the correct search result and click Link. 

If an existing online user is not found then do not proceed. Register the PARENT for online access to her own patient record separately before starting this proxy access process again. 

6.  On the ID verification tab review/modify as necessary and click Next. 

7. On the Access tab select the relationship (from PARENT to CHILD) from dropdown in the linked patient section. Select services required (appointments, repeat prescriptions, messaging and demographics). Update the Record access section for the required SCR or DCR access and click Next. 

8. Update Legal basis tab to include type of consent and click Ok

Step 2 - How to add permissions to the linked account in EMIS

1. Search for the PARENT using Find a patient and double click result. 

2.  Select EMIS.> .Registration. > Online users.

3. The Account status of the online account for the PARENT should be live. 

4. In the "Linked patients" section, you should see the PARENT as a patient with Link status of linked

5.  In the "Linked patients" section, you should see the CHILD as a patient with Link status of linked

6. Click on the CHILD's entry to highlight, then click Edit online user access.

7. Update any access settings as necessary and click Next.  

8. On the legal basis screen ensure this is in order and click Ok

This will need to be performed separately by the GP for each account you want to link. 

There is no limit to the number of patients a proxy user can manage. 

Refer to the supplier of your clinical system, EMIS, for more help with this process if required. 

Further information


Last edited: 8 January 2025 4:53 pm