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ADW-MESH validator user guide

The ADW-MESH validator has been developed to assist organisations who wish to send ADW messages over the MESH transport to ensure that the messages they are constructing are valid according to ITK FHIR schemas and requirements.

The tool will validate both .ctl files and .dat files which are used when sending ITK-conformant ADW messages over MESH via the MESH client. The tool will also handle just .dat or .xml files with no matching .ctl if the supplier is using MESH-API.

It produces a validation report that highlights any errors identified in the files.

The following messages from the ‘Social Care Assessment, Discharge and Withdrawal Messaging Specification’ Version 5.0.0-beta.1 are supported:

  • Assessment Notice
  • Assessment Notice Accept Response
  • Assessment Notice Reject Response
  • Discharge Notice
  • Discharge Notice Accept Response
  • Discharge Notice Reject Response
  • Withdrawal Notice
  • Withdrawal Notice Accept Response
  • Withdrawal Notice Reject Response


  1. A pack has been provided for download from the NHS Developer Network, the pack contains the ADW Mesh Installer – “TKWInstaller_ADW_MESH_Validator.jar”.
  2. Save a copy of this installer to a local drive.
  3. Double-click the TKWInstaller_ADW_MESH_Validator.jar file to run the Installation process and the following screen is presented:ADW MESH installer
  4. Enter a local “Install To” directory, such as C:\ADW-MESH-Validator, or click the browse button to select where to install the Validator.
  5. Click the Install button.
  6. The Installer will run and a message box to indicate completion is presented.

Validate files

  1. Navigate to the folder where the validation tool was installed, such as C:\ADW-MESH-Validator.
  2. Double click on the TKW folder and you will be presented with the following directory structure:TKW folder directory
  3. Place the files that are to be validated in the ADW_MESH_Messages_For_Validation folder. Either both the .ctl and .dat files or .dat file only. Multiple files/file pairs can be added to the folder – an individual validation report will be produced for each file/file pair.
  4. Double click the _Validate_ADW_MESH.bat file to run the Validator.
  5. A command prompt will be presented running through the tasks below.Command prompt
  6. Please wait until "Press any key to continue…" is displayed in the command window.

  7. Press any key to continue.

  8. Navigate to the folder where the validation tool was installed e.g. C:\ADW-MESH-Validator, the directory ADW_MESH_Validation_Results will now contain an .html file that is the Validation Report (you can ignore any other file types in this folder). The file name will be something like “validation_report_20180315102104456.html”.

  9. Double click this html file and this will show you the report, as shown below.Validation report

  10. If the “Check Issues” in the Summary section of the report is equal to 0, this indicates that both of the files are valid and the body of the report shows all the checks that were done.

  11. If the “Check Issues” in the Summary Section of the report is NOT equal to 0, this indicates that either one or both of the files are not valid and further investigation is required. The errors will be highlighted in RED with an explanation in the body of the report, example shown below.

Validation report errors

Example messages

  1. Also within the pack provided for download from NHS Digital, is a folder named ‘ADW_MESH_Example_Messages’.
  2. Within this folder are valid example ctl/dat pairs for each of the supported messages.

Last edited: 12 July 2019 12:07 pm