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Smartcards that need an HSCN connection

Information about smartcards that access patient data via the Health and Social Care Network (HSCN).

Smartcards are credit card sized ID cards. Users authenticate by inserting their smartcard into a smartcard reader and enter their PIN.

Smartcard users need an HSCN network, Credential Management and the Identity Agent installed on their machines.

Example of an NHS smartcard

About this graphic

This graphic shows an example of a smartcard. Across the top is a blue band with the words NHS Care Identity Service.

On the right hand side is a passport photo of a woman. Underneath is her ID number: 000123456789 and name: Sample Specimen


Benefits for users
  • Users can share desktops/laptops and authenticate with their own individual smartcard
  • Widely used
  • Smartcards are provided by NHS England
Choosing Smartcards

Choosing Smartcards

Users tend to find authenticating with smartcards works well when they:

  • already have a smartcard
  • access multiple machines
  • are quite mobile, working in different buildings/offices


NHS England security standards require Smartcards to meet the following criteria:

  • cryptographic
  • uses PKIs
  • certificates updated every 2 years

Live environment smartcards

The following Smartcards have been assessed against the above criteria and tested with NHS CIS2 Authentication.


  • Series 5
  • Series 6
  • Series 8
  • Series 9


NHS CIS2 Authentication is a platinum service, supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

See our latest availability statistics.

Considerations for organisations providing IT Support

Benefits to organisations providing IT Support
  • Lots of health and care professionals already have a smartcard
  • No additional hardware is needed as it uses the existing cards and readers


The procurement and distribution of smartcards is the responsibility of the local Registration Authority (RA).

Registering devices to users

Each user must have their own smartcard.

To be given a smartcard, users need to request and complete an Authenticator Registration from a Registration Authority (RA).

Smartcard certificate renewals are required every 2 years.

Installation of NHS Identity Agent

It is the responsibility of the local IT organisation to:

Network configuration

NHS CIS1 Authentication is only available on HSCN. Therefore users need HSCN access and a way to NHS CIS2 Authentication from HSCN.

NHS CIS2 Authentication is primarily an Internet Only service, therefore, some configuration may be required to enable access:

  • out to NHS CIS2 Authentication
  • in from NHS CIS2 Authentication