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Publication, Part of

NHS Payments to General Practice - England, 2019/20

Official statistics

Although the figures in this publication feed the England data for the Investment in General Practice report, the two publications are distinct and not directly comparable, for reasons outlined in the Coherence and Comparability section of the Background Data Quality.

The UK-level Investment in General Practice Official Statistics series has been withdrawn. From 2020, each country will produce and publish its own report and we will provide links to these reports once they are released.

27 August 2020 09:30 AM

Page contents

Glossary of Terms

CCG Clinical Commissioning Group
Contracts - APMS

A more flexible contract and open to a wider range of providers including the independent sector.

Where the practice is a PMS or APMS practice the provisions of services will be on the same basis as described in the General Medical Services Statement of Financial Entitlement.

Contracts - GMS A GMS practice is one that has a standard, nationally negotiated contract. Within this, there is some local flexibility for GPs to 'opt out' of certain services or 'opt in' to the provision of other services.
Contracts - PMS The PMS contract was introduced in 1998 in England and Scotland (as in the Section 17c agreement) as a local alternative to the national GMS contract. PMS contracts are voluntary, locally negotiated contracts between Primary Care Organisations (PCOs) and the PMS Provider, enabling, for example, flexible provision of services in accordance with specific local circumstances
HSCIC Health and Social Care Information Centre – the statutory name for NHS Digital
ISFE NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Integrated Single Finance Environment
NHAIS National Health Applications and Infrastructure Services - also known as “Exeter”
NHS England and NHS Improvement (Region, Local Office) Teams NHS England and NHS Improvement Regional Local Teams have direct commissioning responsibilities for GP services, dental services, pharmacy and certain aspects of optical services.
PCSE Primary Care Support England
PCN Primary Care Network. Since July 2019, most GP practices have joined with other practices and care providers in their local area to form one of around 1,250 Primary Care Networks (PCNs). Instigated as part of the NHS long-term plan, PCNs were created to provide accessible and integrated primary, mental health, and community care for patients.
QOF The Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) is the annual reward and incentive programme detailing GP practice achievement results. QOF is a voluntary process for all surgeries in England and was introduced as part of the GP contract in 2004.
TSC Technical Steering Committee, which is chaired by NHS Digital and has representatives from the British Medical Association General Practitioners Committee (GPC), NHS Employers, NHS England and NHS Improvement, the Health Departments of the four UK countries and the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration.

Last edited: 26 August 2020 1:33 pm