For the 2010-11 financial year, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) has collected over 17 million records detailing episodes of admitted patient care delivered by NHS hospitals in England. Of these, 17 million records are details of each delivery which takes place in an NHS hospital.
This is the thirteenth bulletin that has been published on this subject. It covers the period from April 2010 to March 2011 and draws on over 668,000 detailed records of deliveries in NHS hospitals.
What data is covered in this publication?
33 tables and 3 graphs are available in one excel workbook which includes data on the following;
- Place of delivery
- Person conducting delivery
- Anaesthetics
- Method of onset and method of delivery
- Episiotomy
- Antenatal/postnatal stay
- Complications
- Gestation
- Birth weight
- Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
Provider level analysis, 2010-11
The purpose of the provider level analysis is to contribute to the improvement of both the quality and coverage of maternity data submitted to HES. It is hoped this will stimulate discussion and ultimately contribute to enhancements in patient care. The provider level analysis provides information at national, strategic health authority, hospital provider and site level (where submitted) relating to:
- Gestation period in weeks at first antenatal assessment date
- Gestation length at delivery
- Method of onset of labour
- Method of delivery
- Person conducting delivery
- Place of delivery
- Selected maternity statistics
- Spontaneous deliveries with episiotomy
- Caesarean with postnatal stay 0-3 days
- Total caesarean with anaesthetics
- Unassisted deliveries.
Please note that an additional data quality note relating to gestation length at delivery was added on 13/01/2014.