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Publication, Part of

Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics , Performance June, Provisional July 2023

Official statistics

Current Chapter

Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics , Performance June, Provisional July 2023

Error affecting MHS27a data

An error affecting the MHS27a data originally published on 14th September has been identified.  The error impacted only the 'Sub ICB - GP Practice or Residence; Bed Type' breakdown.

This has now been resolved.  Version 2 of the 'MHSDS Monthly: Performance June 2023' and 'MHSDS Monthly: Provisional July 2023' CSV files each contain revised MHS27a data, and are available under 'Resources' below.

NHS England apologies for any inconvenience caused.

5 December 2023 15:25 PM

Out of Area Placements data - Gender breakdowns

Data relating to OAPS was originally published with an error in the Gender breakdown. This error has been fixed and files have been republished. All other breakdowns were correct at the time of publishing initially. NHS England apologises for inconvenience caused.

20 September 2023 10:40 AM

Access and Waits Excel files

A error was found with the Access and Waits Excel files initially published as part of this publication which meant that data was missing from the files. The files have now been replaced with new versions containing the correct data. Data in the CSV file is unaffected by the issue.

21 September 2023 14:45 PM

Issue with DQ VODIM Metrics DQM57 to DQM62

NHS England have uncovered an issue with the DQ VODIM files associated with this publication. The metrics impacted are DQM57 to DQM62. For these metrics, valid values were incorrectly identified as Invalid.

These values have not been removed or updated but should be disregarded by users when using the VODIM files.

12 December 2023 09:30 AM


This publication provides the timeliest picture available of people using NHS funded secondary mental health, learning disabilities and autism services in England. This information will be of use to people needing access to information quickly for operational decision making and other purposes. More detailed information on the quality and completeness of these statistics is available in the Data Quality section, as well as within the Data Coverage and Data Quality VODIM and Integrity files available under 'Resources'.

Release of 'End of Year Final' 2023-24 data

'End of Year Final' versions of the main monthly csv files for each month between April 2023 and March 2024, collected under MHSDS version 5, which reflect revised 2023-24 Multiple Submission Window Model submissions that occurred after 'Performance' monthly data had already been published are now available. 

The following files will be re-issued using end-of-year 'final' data

  • Monthly 'Main' csv
  • Monthly 'Restrictive Interventions' csv
  • Monthly 'Out of Area Placements' csv
  • Monthly 'Mental Health Services Measures to support the Adult Social Care Outcome Framework' csv
  • Quarterly 'Mental Health Services Selected NHS England Measures' csv

The 23/24 data in the monthly time-series file to be issued for the April-24 reporting period will be based on final, end-of-year data.

Please refer to the relevant monthly publication pages available from the Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics series page for further details and to access the 'End of Year Final' 2023-24 data.

Reinstatement of all breakdowns into main publication

NHS England excluded observed national data from the main publication for all months from August 2022 to March 2023 inclusive.  This was in response to a cyber incident impacting a subset of providers, which meant that it was considered inappropriate to publish actual national level statistics given that it may not have been an accurate reflection of activity for those months. Imputed statistics were published on linked Supplementary Information pages.

Data relating to the new commissioning structures (ICB, Sub ICB, Commissioning Region) were also substantially impacted by the cyber incident and were also excluded from the main publication over these months for the same reason.

As stated above, as an interim measure for all months from August 2022 to March 2023 inclusive, NHS England produced national level estimates, calculated through imputation, and made them available on the National Estimates Supplementary Information page.  Breakdowns relating to the new commissioning structures were made available separately to the main publication on the ICB and Sub ICB location Supplementary Information page over this period.

As of the Performance April 2023 publication, the impact of the cyber incident has substantially diminished, and as a result, all breakdowns have been reinstated into the main publication. This includes observed national data and sub national commissioning data. National data will no longer be imputed and the two Supplementary Information pages referenced above will not be updated any further.

National level key facts have also been reinstated.

Consultation regarding removing metrics MHS92, MHS93 and MHS94

Following the release of the new CYP Outcomes metrics in the April 2023 Performance publication, NHS England are consulting users of these statistics to see if it is appropriate to remove the metrics MHS92 to MHS94. These metrics relate to people with a paired score whose referral has been open for at least 14 days. The new metrics remove the stipulation for the referral to be open for at least 14 days and as such it has been felt that these metrics are no longer needed. If users still use these metrics, please let us know via the Survey link on this page.

Access the code used to create this report

The code used to create the outputs for this report is available on our NHS Digital GitHub webpage.

Click here to access the code

Key Facts

Key Facts Based on 'End of Year Final' data

  • At the end of June, there were 1,815,099 people in contact with services; the majority of these (1,168,697) were in adult mental health services.

  • There were 456,642 people in contact with children and young people’s mental health services and 256,513 in learning disabilities and autism services.

  • 446,893 new referrals were received into services during June and 2,179,110 care contacts were attended.

  • 21,858 people were subject to the Mental Health Act at the end of June, including 16,493 people detained in hospital.

Key Facts Based on 'Performance' data (superseded by 'End of Year Final' statistics)

  • At the end of June, there were 1,754,522 people in contact with services; the majority of these (1,136,347) were in adult mental health services.

  • There were 431,855 people in contact with children and young people’s mental health services and 246,332 in learning disabilities and autism services.

  • 424,645 new referrals were received into services during June and 2,100,222 care contacts were attended.

  • 21,317 people were subject to the Mental Health Act at the end of June, including 16,138 people detained in hospital.

Mental Health Services Time Series Dashboard

The Mental Health Services Time Series Dashboard provides time series data for a number of key metrics within the publication with data dating back to April 2016. The dashboard also presents visuals for the demographic breakdowns alongside a small number of metrics shown at CCG / Sub ICB level.

The underlying data has also been made available in CSV format.  Please refer to 'MHSDS Monthly: Time Series Data for Selected MHSDS Measures, April 2016 to Performance June 2023 CSV' available under 'Resources'.

This tool is in Microsoft Power BI which does not fully support all accessibility needs. If you need further assistance, please contact us for help.

This is the twenty-first monthly release using data collected under MHSDS version 5.  Please refer to the January 2022 publication for an outline of the changes to the dataset introduced by the move to MHSDS version 5.  Full details of the changes to the dataset are available in the Technical Output Specification and the updated constructions for all measures in this publication are available in the metadata file.


Last edited: 6 June 2024 1:48 pm