Publication, Part of Investment in General Practice
Investment in General Practice, 2014/15 to 2018/19, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland
Official statistics
This report details the investment in General Practice and the reimbursement for drugs dispensed in General Practices from 2014/15 to 2018/19. The report draws on information from the financial reporting systems of the health departments of each country and other published data on reimbursement and remuneration for dispensing activity. This country level information is discussed by the Technical Steering Committee (TSC), which is chaired by NHS Digital and has representation from the Department of Health and Social Care, UK Health Departments, NHS England and NHS Improvement, NHS Employers and the British Medical Association (BMA), which represents the interests of GPs.
The data also contain some financial flows which do not reach GP practices, but contribute towards overall Primary Medical Care investment. These include payments for Information Management and Technology (IM&T), monies for some centrally-led or procured elements of transformational investments (e.g. within some General Practice Forward View programmes in England) and funding invested in GP practice systems and Out of Hours services. Also included are data for Investment by Trusts in General Practice Services in Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments in England.
The figures include expenditure relating to dispensing by GP practices, but not the costs of drugs dispensed by high street pharmacies. The total cost of all prescriptions dispensed in the community by community pharmacists (including supermarket pharmacies), appliance contractors and dispensing doctors, can be found in the Prescribing Costs Analysis produced by each country.
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- In 2018/19 there was an increase in the total investment in GP practices of 3.20 per cent in England, 7.25 per cent in Wales, 6.73 per cent in Northern Ireland and in Scotland 6.53 per cent.
- In real terms this equates to an increase of 1.34 per cent in England, 5.32 per cent in Wales, 4.81 per cent in Northern Ireland and in Scotland 4.61 per cent.
- At a UK level, there was an increase of 3.70 per cent in cash terms which is 1.83 per cent in real terms.
Last edited: 19 September 2019 8:00 am