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Adult Dental Health Survey

The Adult Dental Health Survey collects information about the condition of adults' teeth and dental hygiene. It investigates dental experiences, knowledge of and attitudes towards dental care and oral hygiene.


Children's Dental Health Survey

This survey collects information about the condition of children's teeth, dental hygiene, oral health attitudes and behaviours and dental care received.


Health Survey for England Bloodbank

Researchers can apply to use blood samples taken and stored as part of the Health Survey for England (HSE).

Health Survey for England - Health, social care and lifestyles

Health Survey for England - Health, social care and lifestyles is an annual survey looking at changes in the health and lifestyles of people all over the country. Find out more and download the latest survey report.

Health Surveys Service

We have the expertise and experience of running and commissioning complex national health surveys on behalf of government departments and public bodies.