Social care collection materials 2025
Find information and available downloads for adult social care collection materials for the 2024-25 reporting year, including the beta ASC Data Dictionary, Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).
Revisions policy
This revisions policy relates to the adult social care statistics collected and published by NHS England described on this page:
- there are no routinely planned revisions to the statistics once published (this can occur for some statistics when they are originally published as ‘provisional’ and then updated to ‘final’ – this is not the case for adult social care statistics)
- unscheduled revisions may take place where an error has been found in NHS England’s statistical publication process. Processes are automated where possible and continually reviewed, checked and documented to minimise risk of error. Where an unscheduled revision has occurred we will ensure this is flagged and explained to users in a transparent way
- revisions to the data provided to NHS England by local authorities is only permitted during the data collection ‘refresh submission period’ (a period of time after the mandated submission deadline and before publication, where data providers have access to a data quality validation report from NHS England). Once the deadline for the refresh window has passed no further changes can be made
Last edited: 7 November 2024 12:01 pm
Social care user surveys
Social care surveys guidance and materials for 2024-2025
Each year we carry out user surveys to get feedback from service users. Survey information is gathered by councils with social services responsibility, and these pages contain guidance for them.