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Client-Level Adult Social Care Data (No. 3)

Data Provision Notice to require the submission of adult social care client-level data from local authorities.


The Department of Health and Social Care has asked for the mandation of the collection that commenced as a voluntary pilot with a limited number of Local Authorities under the Collection of Client-Level Adult Social Care Data Direction 2017 and continued under the Collection of Client-Level Adult Social Care Data (No 2) Direction.

The data to be collected will be processed for the purposes of:

  • delivering comprehensive data about adult social care services
  • enabling key aspects of adult social care service provision, including integrated health and care pathways, across England to be analysed at a national level.  

National analysis will provide aggregate data which may be released as management information to support more timely availability of key metrics.  

The data will also enable Local Government and Integrated Care Boards to fulfil their statutory functions, in connection with the provision of health services and of adult social care in England, including: 

  1. Monitoring, at a population level, particular cohorts of service users and designing analytical models which support more effective interventions in health and adult social care. 
  1. Monitoring service and integrated care outcomes across a pathway or care setting involving adult social care. 
  1. Developing, through evaluation of person-level data, more effective prevention strategies and interventions across a pathway or care setting involving adult social care. 
  1. Designing and implementing new payment models across health and adult social care. 
  1. Understanding current and future population needs and resource utilisation for local strategic planning and commissioning purposes including for health, social care and public health needs. 


This Notice is served on:

  • local authorities
    • including service providers contracted by the local authority (where the local authority shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this Notice).

Legal basis


The collection start date by Local Authorities for quarterly data flows under this Notice is 1 April 2023, with first submissions to NHS England due in July 2023.

The Client-Level Adult Social Care Data Set Requirements Specification accompanying the Direction sets out the timings of data flows, which will begin on a quarterly cycle, within each financial year. However, LAs are encouraged to submit data on a monthly basis if possible.

Read the Data Provision Notice


15 June 2023: Following publication of the Secretary of State directions to make this collection mandatory, the DPN for the pilot collection (No 2) has been withdrawn and a new DPN issued to cover this No 3 collection. 

Last edited: 20 June 2023 10:59 am