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FTE of practice staff within Shoreditch Park and City PCN group

Percentage of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff aged 55 and over employed by practices within the Shoreditch Park and City PCN group and FTE staff per 100,000 patients at the same practices. Figures provided for April 2022 to January 2023, broken down by staff group (GPs, Nurses, Direct Patient Care and Admin/non-clinical).
Date published:
27 February 2023

Information related to

Request received

Request received from Shoreditch Park and City PCN for selected full-time equivalent (FTE) statistics relating to staff employed by the general practices within the PCN. The specific figures requested for each practice were the percentage of staff aged 55 and over, and staff FTE per 100,000 patients, for April 2022 to January 2023, broken down by staff group (GPs, Nurses, Direct Patient Care and Admin/non-clinical).

The corresponding figures for the PCN's parent Integrated Care Board (NHS North East London ICB ) and for England were also requested.

These are figures which are published as part of the General Practice Workforce interactive report but as the report only displays them for the latest period, figures for earlier months were no longer accessible.

Our response

In response we provided:

Percentage of FTE staff aged 55 and over and staff FTE Per 100,000 patients for all periods from April 2022 to January 2023, for all five practices within Shoreditch Park and City PCN, as well as for NHS North East London ICB and England. Figures were broken down by the four staff groups, GPs, Nurses, Direct Patient Care and Admin/non-clinical.

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Last edited: 27 February 2023 3:42 pm