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Prescribed Specialised Services (PSO) Tool 2021/22

The Prescribed Specialised Services 2021/22 Operational Tool, along with supporting documentation can be downloaded here. This tool implements the NHS England Identification Rules that are to be used operationally for 2021/22

Prescribed Specialised Services Operational Tool 2021/22

Download the Prescribed Specialised Services Operational Tool 2021/22 application

This tool implements the NHS England Identification Rules that have been updated from the PSS 2020/21 Operational Tool and includes updates for trust mergers, updates to the underlying ICD105th classification, and includes new TFC’s and MSC’s. Users should refer to the NHS England guidance as to the commissioning arrangements that are in place at the current time. Further information is available by contacting [email protected].

Users are therefore strongly advised to read the Summary of Changes document that is available as part of this release.

If you have any questions or issues about the functionality of the PSS Operational Tool 2021/22, please contact [email protected].

For enquires about the Identification Rule derivation, please contact NHS England at [email protected].

Download documents

PSO 2021/22 Tool Summary of Changes - this document provides the list of changes to both the product and Identification Rules from the last release.

PSO 2021/22 Tool User Manual - this document provides full instructions on preparing and processing data using the Tool.

PSO 2021/22 Tool Prescribed Services Guide to Identification Rules - this workbook provides guidance on understanding the details of the code sets and associated logic used in the derivation of the PS flags, as generated by the product. 

PSO 2021/22 Operational Tool sample data and expected results - the sample data folder contains both Admitted Patient Care (APC) and Non-Admitted Consultations (NAC) data for testing purposes. It also includes the expected results in files, as generated by the Tool. 

Archived material

Visit our archive to view and download historical versions of the PS Tools and documentation. 

Last edited: 17 January 2022 11:17 am