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National Record Locator Service Toolkit Workbench simulator guide

NRLS TKW Simulator Guide (SVN: 748)

Install TKW to your preferred location on your PC via the installer.

Install TKW to your preferred location on your PC via the installer.

Navigate to the ..config\SPINE_NRLS directory in your install.

The important directory’s here are:

simulator_saved_messages – this contains all messages and responses that the simulator has dealt with. From this you can see what has been sent in and what the response returned was. There is one logfile for each message sent.

validator_reports – this contains the validation report results from the runs against the request messages submitted. Reports are generated against all messages held in the messages for validation folder.

Navigate to the ..configSPINE_NRLS directory in your install

To run the simulator, navigate to the TestRun directory and run the “2.Simulator_Start” batch file. You will see a DOS window open in the background.

To run the simulator, navigate to the TestRun directory and run the “2.Simulator_Start” batch file.

Send in a message from your application to the simulator and receive a response. Details of this can be seen in the simulator_saved_messages folder. (To check the integrity of the install prior to using your application run “3.Transmit_Only” – this is set to do a Get.)

To validate the message that you have submitted run the ”4.Copy_Messages_To_Validator” batch file to copy the logfile to the “messages_for_validation” folder.

“messages_for_validation” folder

Validate the message that you had sent in using “5.Validate_Only”. This will produce a validation report of the contents of the message sent to the simulator.

“5.Validate_Only” validation report

Check the contents of the validation report created. (Note: when you run this as part of the integrity check of your install, the validation report will show two errors. This is expected and is included to demonstrate how validation issues are report).

Check the contents of the validation report created.

NRLS simulator triggers spreadsheet

The responses returned are dependent on the triggers sent in the request message. Download a spreadsheet of these triggers.

JRE must be present on the PC that the TKW Software is to run on.

Last edited: 12 July 2019 12:05 pm