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FHIR Vital Signs profiles API standards

View mappings between LOINC codes ("magic values") to SNOMED CT values used in FHIR STU3 in the UK.


Use these standards to make use of the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) "magic value" codes.

Within the Standards for Trial Use 3 version of FHIR published by HL7, there are specific mandatory requirements when using observations that describe vital signs which must make use of the LOINC. 

Within the UK, SNOMED CT is the clinical terminology to be used - not LOINC. When using FHIR observations resources within the UK, systems must ensure that as well as the LOINC “magic value”, they must also include an appropriate SNOMED CT value. The LOINC value must never be used on its own.


These API standards are active.

API standard

Guidance on appropriate SNOMED CT concepts that can be used:

"magic value" 
85353-1 118227000|Vital signs finding (finding)| 118227000|Vital signs finding (finding)|
9279-1 86290005|Respiratory rate (observable entity)| "86290005|Respiratory rate (observable entity)| 
MINUS <<927961000000102|Baseline respiratory rate (observable entity)|"
8867-4 364075005|Heart rate (observable entity)| "<<364075005|Heart rate (observable entity)|
MINUS (<<928001000000104|Baseline heart rate (observable entity)| 
OR <<428420003|Target heart rate (observable entity)| 
OR <<852341000000107|Maximum pulse rate (observable entity)| 
OR <<852351000000105|Minimum pulse rate (observable entity)| 
OR <<852331000000103|Target pulse rate (observable entity)|)"
59408-5 103228002|Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (observable entity)| "<<103228002|Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<442349007|Venous oxygen saturation (observable entity)| 
OR <<927981000000106|Baseline oxygen saturation at periphery (observable entity)| 
OR <<852651000000100|Maximum peripheral oxygen saturation (observable entity)| 
OR <<852661000000102|Minimum peripheral oxygen saturation (observable entity)| 
OR <<852641000000103|Target peripheral oxygen saturation (observable entity)|)"
8310-5 276885007|Core body temperature (observable entity)| "<<386725007|Body temperature (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<248458005|Comparative temperature in limbs (observable entity)| 
OR <<852591000000107|Maximum body temperature (observable entity)| 
OR <<852601000000101|Minimum body temperature (observable entity)| 
OR <<852581000000105|Target body temperature (observable entity)| 
OR <<364419004|Temperature of cervical spine (observable entity)| 
OR <<364424001|Temperature of thoracic spine (observable entity)| 
OR <<364429006|Temperature of lumbar spine (observable entity)| 
OR <<248835004|Temperature of breast (observable entity)| 
OR <<250124002|Temperature of joint (observable entity)| 
OR <<431197002|Temperature of digit (observable entity)| 
OR <<364518005|Temperature of foot (observable entity)| 
OR <<363997004|Temperature of pinna (observable entity)| 
OR <<364537001|Temperature of skin (observable entity)|)"
8302-2 50373000|Body height measure (observable entity)| "<<50373000|Body height measure (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<248334005|Length of body (observable entity)|
OR <<1060601000000109|Body height growth rate (observable entity)| 
OR <<422769007|Method for measuring height (observable entity)| 
OR <<925931000000103|Mid-parental height (observable entity)| 
OR <<925951000000105|Predicted adult height (observable entity)| 
OR <<248336007|Pubis to ground height (observable entity)| 
OR <<276350001|Subischial leg length (observable entity)|)"
8306-3 248334005|Length of body (observable entity)| <<248334005|Length of body (observable entity)|
8287-5 363811000|Head circumference measure (observable entity)| "<<363811000|Head circumference measure (observable entity)|
MINUS <<248397001|Head circumference centile (observable entity)|"
29463-7 27113001|Body weight (observable entity)| "<<27113001|Body weight (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<301334000|Birth weight centile (observable entity)| 
OR <<400967004|Baseline weight (observable entity)| 
OR <<170804003|Ideal body weight (observable entity)| 
OR <<852321000000100|Maximum weight (observable entity)| 
OR <<852311000000106|Minimum weight (observable entity)| 
OR <<248351003|Previous well-weight (observable entity)| 
OR <<390734006|Target weight (observable entity)| 
OR <<363809009|Usual body weight (observable entity)|)"
39156-5 60621009|Body mass index (observable entity)| "<<60621009|Body mass index (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<846931000000101|Baseline body mass index (observable entity)| 
OR <<852451000000103|Maximum body mass index (observable entity)| 
OR <<852461000000100|Minimum body mass index (observable entity)| 
OR <<838441000000103|Target body mass index (observable entity)| 
OR <<715456008|Percentage median body mass index for age and sex (observable entity)|)"
85354-9 75367002|Blood pressure (observable entity)| "<<75367002|Blood pressure (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<271650006|Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<271649006|Systolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<928021000000108|Baseline blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<87541000000108|Highest brachial systolic pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<723235005|Maximum blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<723236006|Minimum blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<314453003|Average diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<314440001|Average systolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<251073000|Invasive diastolic arterial pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<251071003|Invasive systolic arterial pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<276781007|Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<276780008|Left ventricular systolic pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<1036571000000105|Non-invasive central diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<1036551000000101|Non-invasive central systolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<174255007|Non-invasive diastolic arterial pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<251070002|Non-invasive systolic arterial pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<276772001|Right ventricular systolic pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<276774000|Right ventricular end-diastolic pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<399023006|Right ventricular peak systolic pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<276773006|Right ventricular diastolic pressure (observable entity)|)"
8480-6 72313002|Systolic arterial pressure (observable entity)| "<<271649006|Systolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<716579001|Baseline systolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<814101000000107|Systolic blood pressure centile (observable entity)| 
OR <<315612005|Target systolic blood pressure (observable entity)|)"
8462-4 1091811000000102|Diastolic arterial pressure (observable entity)| "<<271650006|Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
MINUS (<<716632005|Baseline diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<315613000|Target diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)| 
OR <<814081000000101|Diastolic blood pressure centile (observable entity)|)"

Last edited: 21 November 2022 1:58 pm