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CP-IS HL7 V3 API onboarding support information

Submit a hazard and risk log to demonstrate your risk mitigation.


The Child Protection - Information Sharing - HL7 V3 API uses digital onboarding. During the process you'll be asked to download and use documents on this page.

Information on this page might impact the design of your software.

Hazard log template

We provide a hazard log template, pre-populated with the minimum hazards you must address as part of your clinical safety review, when integrating with the CP-IS HL7 V3 API. If you identify more than these minimum hazards, add them to your hazard log.

You can use our template or create your own, so long as it includes the same hazards.

Upload your completed hazard log when requested to do so within the digital onboarding portal.

This is a Microsoft Excel file. To request a different format, contact us.

Connecting systems risk log

CP-IS HL7 V3 API onboarding uses risk-based assurance.

You're asked to demonstrate that you've mitigated risks in your software by submitting a risk log.

During testing, you need to provide evidence of your mitigations against each of the risks identified in the pre-populated risk log template. For the risk log, we are only interested in the pre-populated risks in each template.

To do this:

  1. Download the risk log template - this is a pre-populated Excel spreadsheet. 
  2. Complete the risk log template with the mitigating actions that you have taken, against each of the risks listed in it.
  3. Upload your completed risk log when requested to do so within the digital onboarding portal.
  4. The test team will contact you to arrange evidence testing of the mitigations that you listed in your risk log.

This is a Microsoft Excel file. To request a different format, contact us.

Last edited: 9 November 2023 12:00 pm