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Publication, Part of

Statistics on Women's Smoking Status at Time of Delivery: England, Quarter 2, 2024-25

Official statistics

Current Chapter

Women known to be smokers at time of delivery

Inclusion of new comparative data from the Maternity Services Dataset (MSDS)

For 2024-25, comparative data using the Maternity Services Dataset (MSDS) is also presented using data submitted by Trusts. This is to help support decisions around the retirement of the Smoking at Time of Delivery data collection at the end of 2024-25.

19 September 2024 00:00 AM

Women known to be smokers at time of delivery

Percentage known to be smokers by year

For SATOD v1, 6.0% of pregnant women were known to be smokers at the time of delivery during quarter 2 of 2024-2025.

This is a decrease from 6.5% in the previous quarter (Q1 of 2024-2025).

SATOD v2 figures are in close proximity with 5.6% of pregnant women known to be smokers at the time of delivery during quarter 2 of 2024-2025, and a decrease from 6.3%  in the previous quarter (Q1 of 2024-2025).

The chart below shows a time series comparison, for SATOD v1 and v2, of the percentage of women smoking at time of delivery. SATOD V2 figures are only available from Q1 of 2022-23 due to data quality issues for earlier quarters.

The time series estimates from both sources are in very close proximity indicating that MSDS is a good replacement as the data source for this publication.

Percentage known to be smokers by Sub Integrated Care Board (Sub-ICB)

Based on SATOD v1, in quarter 2 of 2024-2025, the lowest proportions of women known to be smokers at time of delivery were in: NHS North West London ICB - W2U3Z (2.2%), NHS North East London ICB - A3A8R (3.4%), NHS Greater Manchester ICB - 01W (3.5%), NHS South East London ICB - 72Q (3.5%), NHS South West London ICB - 36L (3.6%), NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB - 15A (3.7%), NHS Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB - 05G (3.8%), NHS Greater Manchester ICB - 02A (3.8%) and NHS Mid and South Essex ICB - 99F (3.8%). There is similar alignment with the SATOD v2 estimates.

Those with the highest proportions were: NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - 00R (14.4%), NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB - 03F (11.9%) and NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB - 03H (11.8%). There is similar alignment with the SATOD v2 estimates.

Data was received from all Sub-ICBs for quarter 2.



An additional visualisation of this data, including time series, is available at the link below:

Last edited: 19 December 2024 9:31 am