Note 09/05/2013
A presentation error has been identified in the data in tables 7.1 and 7.2 originally included in this publication. The tables have been republished with corrected figures. The accompanying errata note provides more detail. The Health and Social Care Information Centre apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources.
The topics covered include:
- Overweight and obesity prevalence among adults and children
- Physical activity levels among adults and children
- Trends in purchases and consumption of food and drink and energy intake
- Health outcomes of being overweight or obese.
This report contains seven chapters which consist of the following:
- Chapter 1: Introduction; this summarises government policies, targets and outcome indicators in this area, as well as providing sources of further information and links to relevant documents.
- Chapters 2 to 6 cover obesity, physical activity and diet and provides an overview of the key findings from these sources, whilst maintaining useful links to each section of these reports.
- Chapter 7: Health Outcomes; presents a range of information about the health outcomes of being obese or overweight which includes information on health risks, hospital admissions and prescription drugs used for treatment of obesity.
- Figures presented in Chapter 7 have been obtained from a number of sources and presented in a user-friendly format. Some of the data contained in the chapter have been published previously by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) or the National Audit Office. Previously unpublished figures on obesity-related Finished Hospital Episodes and Finished Consultant Episodes for 2011/12 are presented using data from the HSCIC's Hospital Episode Statistics as well as data from the Prescribing Unit at the HSCIC on prescription items dispensed for treatment of obesity.