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Data set, Part of

SHMI in and outside hospital deaths contextual indicator


This indicator is designed to accompany the SHMI publication.

The SHMI includes all deaths reported of patients who were admitted to non-specialist acute trusts in England and either died while in hospital or within 30 days of discharge. Deaths related to COVID-19 are excluded from the SHMI.

A contextual indicator on the percentage of deaths reported in the SHMI which occurred in hospital and the percentage which occurred outside of hospital is produced to support the interpretation of the SHMI.


1. For discharges in the reporting period April 2024 - May 2024, almost all of the records for Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (trust code RBL) have been submitted without an NHS number. This will have affected the linkage of the HES data to the ONS death registrations data and may have resulted in a smaller number of deaths occurring outside hospital within 30 days of discharge being identified for this trust than would have otherwise been the case. The results for this trust should therefore be interpreted with caution.

2. There is a shortfall in the number of records for North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (trust code RAP), Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (trust code RTF), The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust (trust code RFR), and The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (trust code RXW). Values for these trusts are based on incomplete data and should therefore be interpreted with caution.

3. A number of trusts are now submitting Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) data to the Emergency Care Data Set (ECDS) rather than the Admitted Patient Care (APC) dataset. The SHMI is calculated using APC data. Removal of SDEC activity from the APC data may impact a trust’s SHMI value and may increase it. More information about this is available in the Background Quality Report.

4. Further information on data quality can be found in the SHMI background quality report, which can be downloaded from the 'Resources' section of this page.