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Publication, Part of

Recorded Dementia Diagnoses, April 2018

Experimental statistics


Recorded dementia diagnoses, April 2018. We collect and publish data about people with dementia at each GP practice, so that the NHS (GPs and commissioners) can make informed choices about how to plan their services around their patients needs. This publication includes the rate of dementia diagnosis. As not everyone with dementia has a formal diagnosis, this statistic compares the number of people thought to have dementia with the number of people diagnosed with dementia, aged 65 and over.

Key Facts

Recorded dementia prevalence at 30 April 2018 was 0.765 per cent (1 person in 131). When considered alongside monthly data previously collected, this indicates a change in recorded prevalence from April 2017 (0.769) to April 2018 (0.765). The number of people over 65 with dementia was estimated to be 646,509. Of these, 67.3 per cent have a coded dementia diagnosis recorded. 9.3 per cent of patients with a recorded dementia diagnosis were prescribed antipsychotic medication in the 6 weeks to 30 April 2018. The total number of open and active GP practices was 7,174 practices. Of the open practices, data for 7,090 practices were included in this publication, representing 98.8 per cent coverage of open and active practices. 72.5 per cent of patients on the dementia registers had their ethnicity recorded as either 'Not stated' or 'No ethnicity code'.

Last edited: 26 September 2023 12:32 pm