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Publication, Part of

Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey, England - 2012-13, Initial findings on final data

Official statistics, Survey
Publication Date:
Geographic Coverage:
Geographical Granularity:
Country, Regions, Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs), Local Authorities
Date Range:
Snapshot on 07 Nov 2013


This is an annual survey that took place for the third time in 2012-13. The survey is designed to cover all service users aged 18 and over in receipt of services funded wholly or in part by Social Services during 2012-13. It seeks to learn more about how effectively services are helping service users to live safely and independently in their own homes, and the impact of services on their quality of life. The survey is also used to populate some of the measures in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework.

This report includes initial findings based on final validated data. A more detailed report will be published later in the year.

Errata note (14/07/2014):

There are some errors in the annex tables for this publication:

- U2 - Answers by Demographics, in which the counts of respondents for question 2b (total) and question 9a (learning disability) are incorrect (cells AX7 and DL12 respectively).

- U3 - Response Rates by Council, in which results are displayed as a whole number rather than to one decimal place. Additionally, the column heading for the overall response rates does not make it clear that this is a weighted response rate.

- U4 - Outcome 4A, in which the regional and council-type figures broken down by age are not correct (cell ranges R165:U169, W165:Y196, and R171:U179).

- U6 - MetRequiredSampleSize, in which the eligible population count and count of completed questionnaires required are incorrect for four councils (rows 59, 115, 128, and 135).

Please note that these data have now been superseded by final data which can be accessed through the link provided in the resources area of this page. Users are advised to use the final data to ensure they have the best available data. The HSCIC would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.


  • 28 per cent of respondents reported their quality of life was so good, it could not be better, or very good (up 1 percentage point from 2011-12). 31 per cent reported it was good (the same as 2011-12) and 30 per cent reported it was alright; down 1 percentage point from the previous year. However, 6 per cent reported their quality of life was bad (down 1 percentage point from 2011-12), and the remaining 3 per cent reported their quality of their life was very bad or so bad, it could not be worse; the latter being unchanged from 2011-12.
  • The average score for the Social care-related quality of life was 18.8 (compared to 18.7 in 2011-12) out of a maximum possible score of 24. This is a composite measure calculated using a combination of questions which cover 8 different outcome domains relating to quality of life.
  • 64 per cent of service users who responded said they were extremely satisfied or very satisfied with the care and support services they receive (up from 63 per cent in 2011-12) and 26 per cent said they were quite satisfied, down 1 percentage point from 2011-12). However, 6 per cent said they were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, and the remaining 4 per cent said they were dissatisfied; both of these figures are the same as in 2011-12.
  • 32 per cent reported they have as much control as they want over their daily life (up 2 percentage points from 2011-12) and 44 per cent reported they have adequate control (down 1 percentage point from 2011-12). 19 per cent reported they have some control but not enough, and 4 per cent reported they have no control; both these figures have decreased by 1 percentage point from 2011-12.
  • 68,770 out of a sample of 177,915 recipients of care and social care services responded to the survey, which is a response rate of 39 per cent (down 1 percentage point from 2011-12). However, both the number of respondents and sample size are greater than in 2011-12 (65,745 and 164,570 respectively).


Last edited: 11 February 2019 3:33 pm